Releasing Society's Compass for Your Own.
It does not befit your journey to call another sovereign.
And to call yourself subject.
But it may take some time to figure out that the situation is such.
And to think about what is wise and reasonable in the situation.
Or not to think about it and rely on unseen (but felt) resources.
The person who does something that seems so crazy did not do it on a whim.
Their soul created that action as a possible next step and they are well served to have had the "misguided" mind enough to have taken it.
I have heard the quotes: "Oh I learned so much after the worst mistake I ever made!"
Do you chuckle too? "Worst mistake" coupled with "most learning?"
Why would a society that declared you "subject" and "slave" and offers only a caged domesticated life offer you tools that are useful? A language? Books? Knowledge on ways to live in this place? Even the understanding of the conditions of existence?
So it may be wise to look at the entire marketed lifestyle and consider if this path serves the masters or the subject? /// hopefully you are answering this quiz yourself, my careful reader! ////
Does it befit you to remain hunched over in your little pen when the door is open to the world? Emerging and seeing the world will be painful, but then standing at only a third of your full height in that enclosure sure looks mighty cramped.