Releasing the Resistance--to do what you don't want but is good for you!
Shirley Lynn Martin
Soul and Life Coach & Whole Life Therapies/Spiritual Healer at Feathers, Rainbows & Roses
I've been where Steve Wells speaks to here. Have you?
"Do you ever have an after lunch, or mid-afternoon slump? I had this for years. It used to be so bad I would even fall asleep at my desk.
Now, I’ve found 2 ways to deal with it... The first is diet. The second is my mid-afternoon tap and walk!
I may have told you that the tap and walk is one of my greatest productivity hacks ever!
I get out of the office and walk for about 20 minutes, tapping as I go, using IEP’s intentions to release attachments to any issues I’m aware of and restore my energy to flow. I typically return to the office refreshed and get a LOT of things done.
What I haven’t told you before though is that, more often than not, I don’t feel like going on this walk when I decide to go!
My mind is often full of objections over how much work I have to do, all the things I haven’t yet done, and everything I “should” be doing instead of “wasting” my time walking...
Then there are feelings that go along with this, like nagging anxiety, and that low energy state with a lack of motivation to do anything!
Can you relate?
Resistance like this is inevitable when you decide to do something that will be good for you, but which doesn’t give you the good feelings right away!
Sure, it’s easy to do things that feel good, where there is huge desire and almost no resistance, as David Cain writes in his Raptitude blog:
“I believe I was born with an unusually strong desire to eat sugary treats…. This desire has driven me to cross the city solely to obtain a certain Ben & Jerry’s flavor from a certain grocery store before it closes, and to eat it at 9:50pm even though I know it will give me horrible dreams about losing my teeth or my passport. I don’t have to drum up the desire to seek this ice cream, or to endure any costs and consequences it entails. The drive is intrinsic.”
But where the rubber hits the road and what will really change your life is when you get yourself to do those things which are really good for you but there is inner resistance to doing them.
These are the things that take energy to do and you don’t get to feel good until they are done - or at least until you are a fair way into doing them!
So anyway, this process of battling the inner resistance happened yesterday, like it has many times before, and like most times these days I was able to overcome it and get my walk in. The difference is that this time I remembered what I did so now I can tell you about it, and maybe you can try it out on something you need to do which is good for you and where you find yourself holding back.
I hope it works for you as well as it has for me.
First, I decided to go for my walk and immediately I noticed my anxious feelings and thoughts about what I “should” be doing instead.
I started tapping right away (I tap using the thumb to tap on the fingers of the same hand as I walk; its easy and discreet for tapping in public) and then I formed this intention:
“I am choosing to do this. (pause) I release all my emotional attachments to what I should be doing instead.”
What followed was an immediate physical release in the form of a deep sigh and a relaxation in my shoulders.
Next, I used this intention statement, it’s one I’ve been using a lot lately whenever I notice myself being drawn away from being present:
“I bring all of my energy and attention into my body and into this moment; right here, right now, where I am.”
I immediately started to notice and appreciate what was right in front of me: I saw the bright blue sky, I felt the warmth of the sun, I noticed the trees, the cars and the people, I felt the breeze …
I was able to appreciate ALL of it in a way that was impossible when my mind was back in the office with all the things I “should” be doing. And I was easily able to stay in this aware open state for the duration of my walk.
And here’s the best thing: I came back to the office and got a LOT done, with no stress!
What I love about Intention Tapping is that it frees you from being emotionally attached to allowing your thoughts or feelings to dictate what you can and can’t do, and it allows you to get moving and enjoy your life more (Movement is life!).
It's a simple process but it’s been profound for me. I hope you find it helpful too. If you do try it out I'd love to hear how it works for you."
Steve Wells
(note: Steve is my mentor and trains coaches, therapists and those seeking an effective self help process using Intention Tapping--IEP. I am one of the mentors who work with those seeking certification in this modality.)
Intention Tapping Workshops and Coming Events
The Level 1 Intention Tapping Online Workshop is for anyone who wants to learn this amazing approach for your self-development and/or to help others. It’s also the first step towards practitioner certification for those who want to take this pathway.
Our next Level 1 Workshop is coming up in October.