Releasing, Relaxing, and Receiving: A Call to Love and Healing
Love and Healing Work
Cultivating Culturally Mindful, Healing, and Human-centered spaces.
Greetings beautiful beings,
Our humanity calls us to release, relax, and receive so that we may live without harming ourselves or others. This practice is more than self-care; it’s a conscious commitment to our own well-being and to the well-being of those we serve.
Each day, we’re bombarded by images and messages that amplify stress, fear, and division. Many felt let down and disheartened by yesterday’s events, leaving them wondering who truly stands with them. But here’s a truth: we have been led to believe that relief from the suffering inflicted by oppressive systems must somehow come from within those same systems. For the sake of our shared humanity, we must free ourselves from the cycles of harm that these systems often perpetuate.
The world needs people who are well, whose hearts are full and who can pour into others from a place of abundance. We need to let go of the notion that we must give and strive from half-empty cups. Too often, we invest so much energy in electing leaders or supporting systems, yet neglect the work of leading ourselves with presence, compassion, and care.
We were not made to carry the weight of every experience or burden we encounter. When we release ourselves from the obligations that no longer serve us, we grant ourselves permission to relax. True relaxation is not just a lighter to-do list; it’s allowing the spaciousness we’ve created by letting go to bring calm to our minds, bodies, and spirits. In this state, we can receive the gifts of the present moment—gifts that only here and now can offer.
Our world has conditioned us to operate within systems that often dehumanize and subject us to harm. We are now being called to release the beliefs and behaviors that demand we place systems over self. When we release what no longer serves us, we create space to receive. Releasing old stories, letting go of obligations that don’t align with our purpose, and embracing ease, peace, and pleasure—all these make room for the abundance that life is waiting to offer.
We are here to remind you: you are loved, you matter, and you are enough.
Now is the time to release the fears of what we cannot change, to relax into the assurance that we are not alone, and to receive the beauty that surrounds us each day. Drink water, nurture yourself, and stay connected with us as we continue this journey of Love and Healing Work together.
With love and intention,
Fatima Mann, JD
Co-Birther and Chief of Love and Healing Work