Releasing Appium Manager 2.0 to manage your Appium Server
Kushan Shalindra Amarasiri
Director Quality Engineering at Social Catfish
Today I'm happy to launch the world's first AppiumManager API which will help everyone to do automated install, launch and stopping the Appium server within your mobile appium test automation framework.
It will free you from cumbersome management of Appium server. Let the API handle all these task. To integrate the AppimManager API, first of all you'll need to download the API from sourceforge site.
The version 2.0 I have released will help everyone to run multiple Appium servers with different server IPs and Ports.
Download the JAR file from the following site
Next also install NodeJS in your machine
Add AppiumManager JAR to your automation framework as an external JAR
Import the following class where you want to start the Appium Server*
Next instantiate an object from AppiumManager class
AppiumManager app = new AppiumManager();
To start server in default IP and Port - : 4723
To start server in a given IP and Port
app.startServer("", "6776");
Please note that if you do not have appium in your machine, it will automatically download the latest version and start server or else it will start your default server.
To stop the server call the stopServer method.