Release your trauma, the cause of your symptoms

Release your trauma, the cause of your symptoms

Why are we unhealthy? There are various reasons, but today, I am focusing on the one that contributes the most to ill health - Trauma.


Do you ever wonder why we suffer autoimmune disease, cancer, stomach and intestinal issues, and heart attacks, to name but a few?

I can remember questioning why, just as clients have when they suffer an illness. Often, we notice problems that we cope with until they reach a point where we have to seek help. However, doctors are not always able to explain or resolve the issue.

This is why it is better to understand and seek resolution of trauma before it leads to physical, emotional or mental challenges. Every illness can be related to trauma.

The body communicates

Based on my experience with clients and my health issues, the body uses disease and illness to draw attention to stored emotions that cause you to be unhealthy.

When faced with situations that we believe threaten us, our natural defence is to go into fight or flight. The emotions from the threat, real or imaginary, are stored as trauma. Yet, we do not acknowledge nor accept that we have been traumatised. After all, it is part of living.

We can help ourselves be healthy by exercising, relaxing, getting enough sleep, eating nutritional foods, and maintaining our hydration.

Regretfully, we ignore the warning signs our bodies are giving us: anxiety, pain, stress, exhaustion, mood swings, hair loss, fractures and broken bones, colds and flu, headaches, and back and shoulder tightness. The list is endless, but all are clear indicators.

The symptoms versus the root cause

It is time to look beyond the symptoms and go deeper into the cause. Soul Healing, Homoeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine or Shiatsu, Sound Healing, and Kinesiology are some of the options I can suggest.

Finding the root cause will enable the body to heal, whereas continuing to treat the symptoms risks making you more unhealthy.

However, we cannot control everything. Therefore, acceptance will help support the body, but not heal it, by appreciating that all we can control is what we do and how we behave and react.

To heal - you need to listen and then respond

I have witnessed clients improve their health by releasing trauma, not only from childhood but also from ancestral, generational, and cultural issues, as well as past lives.

Our subconscious minds and bodies store information that connects to events that could have happened centuries ago. This information is passed down in our genes until we are willing to take action to release ourselves from the stuck, energetic memories.

This is why you become ill, not just from stress but because your body is sending a message to you. Please help. Can we work to release the memories so I can get better?

Do you want a healthier life? Or do you want to ensure you stay healthy? Just like you turn to doctors for your medicine or injections. Why not do yourself a favour and focus on releasing unresolved trauma you have stored in your body?

In a 30-minute conversation, you can have many moments of "that makes sense." as you begin to understand what may cause your body to seek resolution through pain, anxiety, ill health, and so much more.

Visit the website to review the 121 services I offer to help you heal yourself and manifest your dream life as an Empowered Woman.


Karen Bashford inspires and empowers traumatised and abused women. Overcoming childhood trauma and marital abuse, Karen is resilient, calmly confident, and courageous. She is an author, speaker, and founder of The K.B. Method and The D.R.E.A.M. System. In 2024, Karen was awarded the Most Trusted Leadership Coach UK and Influential Business Woman.

Suzanne Suthers

Personal stylist | Colour analysis | Personal shopping | Wardrobe makeovers | Make-up & skincare lessons

6 天前

Some really helpful ideas in your article Karen Bashford. I can totally relate having been made to take some time out and address my lifestyle to feel healthier and mentally fed.

Dr. Reza Rahavi

Experimental Medicine , Faculty of Medicine, UBC, Vancouver | Medical Content Writing

1 周

"How can we shift the healthcare paradigm towards focusing on prevention rather than just treating symptoms reactively?"

Eleri Haf Cosslett LLM

Social Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Director of McGuire Mitchell Legal Services Limited

1 周

Karen - this is so true. Your insights are incredible. I only wish more would tune in to the surmounting medical evidence (collected over time in memoriam) to confirm your conclusions.

This sounds so amazingly logic. We didn't integrate trauma into our lives by taking a tablet; no, it took a lot more than this. For me, it took years to manifest trauma over and over again. I know I need a lot more to take the trauma away, tablets just masking the cause.

SharonAnn Hamilton

?? Learn to Travel & Live Abroad | Do you work remotely? | Experience affordable slow travel | Write a book? | Blogger? |???Empty Nest? | Don’t wait | Travel at will | Freedom Calls | ?? Prayer Warrior | CERT Volunteer

1 周

Such a powerful perspective Karen Bashford! Addressing unresolved trauma can be so transformative for long-term health and well-being.


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