Release your Resistance.
We will all achieve true peace when we realize that the path of least resistance is a choice, not a circumstance.
It sounds simple, but, if we are honest, we have a great deal invested in the drama that is connected to a life filled with strife, misery, and difficulty. We like feeling supported. We enjoy the ability to connect with others over shared challenges, injustices, and undeserved drama. We feel strong when we effectively withstand (and perhaps even reign victorious over) adversity. It is a shared commonality of the human experience. True wisdom, however, dictates that common, traditional, and most traveled paths are not necessarily the best or most efficient passage to victory.
What if you knew that everything was happening exactly as it should? What if you knew that, despite the way that things may appear, you were guaranteed success? What if you truly believed that the entire universe was indeed conspiring to see that you achieved all that you desire? What if you knew that you could truly relax?
Success or sabotage? When you are floating downstream, you may trust and let go, allowing the current to guide you (gently maneuvering around momentary obstacles in the path) or you can resist and attempt to swim upstream against the current. The choice is ultimately yours.
Is this going to be an incredible day? The answer is provided in alignment with the choice that we make before its unfolding. No day, in essence, is good or bad. We often make the determination based on our judgment of how it “should be” (instead of accepting that the day is perfect and how we choose to live in it is an exercise of personal power).