Release Can't and Won't

Release Can't and Won't

Release Can’t and Won’t

I asked me… How is can’t and won’t a fear of doing things to make peoples lives easier and my life better? I now realize I contained vain…

Enslaving codes that nagged me into loudmouth bully thinking I must be in charge of everything was my veiled vanity created my barriers…

Of inferiority I now admit and respect when I was stuck in arrogant ignorance I never conceded to me myself and I I was anchored…

In ancient anxiety snobbish insult and ancestral cynicism creates anal animosity within me myself and I because I tried and cried about…

My outcomes because I thought this person won’t help me causing my paralazing memories yelping I can’t because I afraid of my awesome…

 Abilities so I now admit and get can’t won’t and not words disable me with lies of despise that disguise my life with turmoil thinking passed…

Away today crossing the river of oblivion as I shamelessly and blamelessly hear and view my life as a thriving trailblazer blazing…

My trails of triumph because of my omnipotent oomph I now admire and appreciate my life escapades as enterprising savvy canonizing…

Prosperity aggrandizing daily extravagant successes because I feel inspirational fortitude excite my dexterous emotions turns on my gut…

Spunk to energize my brainpower that optimizes my brainpower that showers my rebellious cells to hell yes I am the ultimate warrior…

Walking of wisdom feeling the power of my expansionism feeling instant spirited maturity sovereigneyes my innerwise geysers…

Pristine grandeur thru me myself and I as I asked me… How am I and the rest of the world afraid to speak feel and utilwize yes and no?

Instead we say can’t do anything inflexibly thinking I won’t do anything pleases my controlling wanting to making others peoples…

Life difficult with rancorous insults with a smile of chiding vanity while thinking thought so I lack the ability to do the task so I wallow…

In uncertainty and insecurity hoping people never see through my mask of mediocrity anxiety snobbish killjoy being afraid of never…

Being noticed by the popular people bosses friend’s family and coworkers because I now realize I was afraid of yes and no…

So I betrayed me myself and I because I thought and spoke the hokey words of can’t and won’t unrestrained my gut gall to respect and…

 Appreciate I was my inner killjoy being ignorant arrogant snob to other people and the world because I was scared of me myself and I…     

As I now realize and concede won’t and can’t is cult of insult while being insecure and immature in my inner landscape because can’t is…

 Impish escape from everything then abusing and abolishing my dreams with excuses as won’t is hidden gauntlet of conceited…

Controlling pith that stop me in my tracks crap the raps blatting BS because I now realize the sleaziest way out of anything is I can’t do…

This for somebody for myself because I now understand what I won’t do for others is internally saying I can’t do for myself as I asked…

How are the people leaders of the world l locked and blocked in can’t and won’t with a silent agenda of control?

*All not words are unnoticed excuse words of ruinous ineptness within me grasping not words are nullifying oppressing tattletale turmoil…

Instant throwing me into braggers fodder being a physical boaster while roasting of internal bitter torment succumbing to an inner…

Hailstorm of hidden haunted horror stories I embedded unknowingly to me never ever grasping can’t meant won’t were demoralizing…

Disguises keeping my weeping in dire admirer's ire thinking in ruinous limitations until now as I feel my listeners gut gall and heart heroism…

To respect and admire my travels on the earthly plane is to open people eyes to their innermost gifts of glorious intuitive farseeing…

Trailblazer savvy dissolving all of my asinine arrogance ignorantly thinking I was looking good in the world never admitting I was…

Looking in my mirror of fear staying in the dismay of my low self-esteem because I was arrogantly thinking yet never would admit…

My fears as I now realize fears are feelings emotions anxiety reeking scared stiff tiffs within me myself and I caustically causing meltdown…

Within me myself and I because I taught myself to follow societies way of feeling sorry for me myself and then locking me in pity me slurs…

Of delusional negativity of can’t won’t and not words that left my life today as I now basking on my sunlit beaches of blessed exquisite…

Amazing celebrations harmonizing everyday splendor feeling serene peace loving everyday naturally dreaming optimistic reveries frees…

My spiritual serenity feeling my wonderful world of Disney exhilaration light up my treasures of pleasure as I relax enjoying my day to day…

Escapades admiring and respecting my life is party of prosperity appreciating revolutionary trendsetter yazzajazz today and everyday….

In every way under grace of embraced love and gratitude witnessing everlasting classy peace within me now and forever more as…

I now admire respect and appreciate peace within me allows people and the world to sense my inner peace feeling their inner peace…  

Thank You

Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes.

Robert A. Wilson

Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises, LLC

? and #Trademark Serial number 86698406  trademarked by Robert A. Wilson/Cowboy Wisdom/Cowboy Wisdom Publishing /Walk of Wisdom Webinars and Seminars December 2017,

Robert A. Wilson Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises LLC ?


  I Am Wisdom,

How Did I Teach Myself Fear?,

Dissolving Ancient Anger:,

Dissolving Pleasing Others:,

Dissolving Pleasing Others, Dissolving Pleasing Others dissolves childhood blocks freeing you…,

Enjoy download and listen to a free meditation CD at,,


Author Page:,



Life is Love Innovation Freedom Epiphanies:,

Holiday Wisdom "Book",

Holiday Wisdom "Kindle",

Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,

Fear is My Friend "Book",

Fear is My Friend "Kindle",

Fear Is My Friend "CD",

Flow in the Glow: "Book",

Flow in the Glow "Kindle"

Flow in the Glow "CD",

My Visionary, I Am: "Book",

My Visionary, I Am "Kindle",

I Forgive Me... I Am Free "Book",

I Approve of Me... Sets Me Free: "Kindle",  

I Forgive Me... I Am Free "Kindle"

Letting Go “CD”,

Money Is My Friend CD,

Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,

Sun Lit Wit "CD";,

Dissolving Pleasing Others;,

My Cowboy Wisdom :,


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