Release Anger Appropriately
Jenny Reid
Trailblazing Founder of iFacts, Shaping the Future of Employee Screening and Vetting Services
There are helpful ways and harmful ways to release your anger. For instance, sometimes we'd rather remain angry than admit to our anger. Yet, to be angry and not admit that you are angry is lying.
Keep in mind: anger is not necessarily wrong. It only becomes wrong if we release it in a way that is inappropriate or destructive. Most people express their anger in such a way that they end up farther away from their goal than they were before they became angry. Anger, expressed inappropriately, has the opposite effect of producing the intended results. Blowing up at people never produces lasting change; it only produces more anger and alienation. We know that but we still do it. It doesn't produce lasting change.
Something to keep in mind is that anger is never really the root problem.
NLP Coaching uses techniques to remove the negative emotions in your life and anger is the first emotion we work on removing.
Contact us at The Orange for more assistance. [email protected]