Relay Recap by Global Relay
Global Relay
Leader in compliant communications archiving, messaging, supervision, information governance, and eDiscovery.
Welcome to Relay Recap, where we bring you the regulatory developments that have dominated the compliance landscape over the last month.
As the Halloween season draws to a close, there is nothing quite as spooky as the regulator gearing up to impose a glut of fines upon financial services for repeated failures to preserve communication records and prevent the use of off-channel comms.
In the midst of increased regulatory fines, one thing is clear, cooperation and accountability go a long way. As financial services grapple with the effects of a regulatory crackdown they must look to self-report and adopt solutions to strengthen their compliance infrastructure, and stay ahead of the curve with tools such as voice transcription or intelligent data connectors.
Another source of regulatory scrutiny is oversight and tone from the top. Where culture has become a salient part of business success, senior officials must ensure they are setting the standard by demonstrating their compliance with rules surrounding communication and non-financial misconduct. They would also do well to improve oversight over all departmental arms to avoid cases like that of TD Bank.
Where October has seen a variety of cases alluding to different issues, they all boil down to the need for a robust compliance infrastructure that is molded by senior officials and a clear tone from the top.
Read below for our latest news and resources, giving you the information, you need for a successful compliant communications strategy.
TD Bank earns itself $3 billion fine for ‘placing profit over compliance’
Global Relay’s Director of Regulatory Intelligence, Rob Mason , dives into a historical landmark case, as the U.S. Department of Justice fines TD Bank approximately $3 billion for violating the Bank Secrecy Act as a result of a weak anti-money laundering infrastructure. Coupled with a lack of oversight, and employees accepting bribes, the case of TD Bank now serves as a cautionary tale to the rest of financial services industry.
Read more on the topic here:
Is voice surveillance the final piece in the compliant comms puzzle?
Global Relay hosted an expert panel in October around the pressing issue of voice communication and its’ pivotal role in transforming the way financial services detect instances of misconduct. A key insight from the discussion highlighted that voice transcription services can ensure businesses remain ahead of the regulatory curve.
If you missed it, tune in here to watch the webinar on-demand now:
Regulatory Wrap episode 45: FCA cracks down on illegal financial promotions
Read more here:
Social media risks: to ban or not to ban?
While social media opens up a world of opportunity with it comes unknown risks as it introduces a new avenue of unmonitored communications, and misleading marketing methods. Join expert panellists as they discuss a rise in finfluencer cases, and the increase in off-channel comms use warranting a cautious response from the financial industry in the wake of social media.
Catch our on-demand webinar to understand the impact of social media on the regulatory landscape:
$118 million in SEC and CFTC fines continues off-channel comms crackdown
The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced a multitude of fines for failures to preserve business communications and the use of off-channel comms, respectively. Amongst the charges, two firms avoided penalties through self-reporting and cooperation with the regulator. Firms must look to aid internal investigations and take accountability in times like this to prevent further reputational and financial damage.
Learn more about the cases here:
The Conduct Chronicles – “The real-world impact of market manipulation”
Recent enforcement actions highlight an increase in regulators detecting and penalizing market manipulation, with an emphasis on preventing misleading practices. These actions underscore the broader impact of market manipulation on consumers and trust within financial markets, where firms must look beyond use of automated systems to ensure integrity in trading activities.
Click here as Emma Parry delves into this issue in more detail:
Conduct and culture: A growing focus for U.S. regulators?
This month, we took a look at the frequency with which U.S. financial regulators are addressing ‘conduct’ and ‘culture’ in their messaging. Over time, there has been a clear increase in this focus, which we’ve set out in an easily digestible infographic.
See here for a more in-depth analysis of this timeline:
'GR in the news’
We are excited to have featured across some prestigious media outlets as we announce our new AI-enabled innovations in Voice and ChatGPT. Check out Global Relay’s work now: