Relax Your Way to Better Golf

Relax Your Way to Better Golf

How many golfers (men and women) do you know who would admit to being tense or anxious while playing? Many believe that good golfers don't feel pressure or don't fear failing; the desire to appear macho causes their denial and ultimate demise. Studies have shown that elite athletes admit to being afraid, recognize the fact that they do fear failing or making mistakes, and that they are aware of even subtle changes in their tension level which allows them to control their fears and perform as if there were no fear. The reality is that all great athletes do have fears, but they "Love the Fear." Jack Nicklaus is the perfect example; in his book, Golf My Way, he states that he can feel tension in his body, that the excitement and nervousness in majors is what drives his desire to compete. He wouldn't have it any other way; tension, nausea and butterflies are part of performing in the most important events of your life. Don't deny your fears; learn to accept them, love them, and control them.

Many of my students suffer from excessive physical tension when they play, but most are not aware of it because they have lived with it so long. Hectic lifestyles, societal demands to succeed in all aspects of?their lives, and increased demands on the conscious mind to control?activities it was never intended to control, all increase physical tension. Unfortunately, this increased physical tension also interferes with attention and physical control of complex motor programs like the golf swing. It also endangers your health and mental and emotional well-being. Learning to relax not only improves your golf performance, but pays dividends in all aspects of your life.

Use the following simple exercise to eliminate any excess tension in the body not eliminated by the Breath of Life alone.

1.???? Sit in a comfortable chair just as you did for the Breath of life- back straight, chin in, neck elongated, hands on legs, feet flat on the floor.

2.???? Close your eyes.

3.???? Take two Breaths of Life and then monitor your breathing for 1 minute.

4.???? Now explore different parts of your body mentally to detect any remaining tension.

5.???? Start with your facial muscles. Be sure that your brow is not fur- rowed, that the muscles around your eyes and cheeks are relaxed, and your jaw not clenched.

6.???? Check the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Release any tension in these muscles by letting your shoulders drop away from your ears or rotating them up, back, and down a few times.

7.???? Now check your arms and hands. Remove any tension from these muscles by gently shaking or massaging the affected parts. You can relax your upper and lower back, as well as your chest and abdominals, by feeling them release downward. Maintain a straight spine while relaxing these muscles; don't relax them by slouching. When playing golf we want our shoulders opened up (pulled back) and our spine straight.

8.???? Observe the muscles in your buttocks and upper legs. They too should feel relaxed, but not numb. Wiggle a little in your seat if either your buttocks or upper legs feel tight.

9.???? Your calves, feet, and toes are the last muscles to check. Eliminate any tension or numbness in those areas by gently shaking your feet, one at a time.

10. Once your entire body has been completely relaxed, return your awareness to your breathing. It should still be slow, deep, and rhythmical. If not, take a couple of Breaths of Life.

11. Now slowly open your eyes and wiggle the fingers of both hands and gently shake out your arms.

12. Wiggle your toes and shake out your legs, one at a time.

13. Rotate your head and neck and then stretch out your shoulders, back, and chest.

14. Slowly stand by pushing yourself out of the chair with your hands.

15. Stretch your body a little more. You should feel completely relaxed and energized. Your mind will be alert and you will be anxious to get back to what you were doing.

16. If you completed the exercise just before sleep, skip the stretching part and let yourself fall gently to sleep.

17. Practice this technique daily for a month and then as needed or desired.

The more you practice this technique, the faster you will be able to eliminate tension or energy blocks. By merely taking one or two Breaths of Life and a quick mental check of your body for tension, shaking, massaging, or stretching the affected areas, puts you into a state of peak performance. If you do this before practicing or playing, you will be much more likely to perform successfully than if you leave your state of consciousness and physical level of relaxation to chance.


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