On the relativistic nature of matter
s = 20 billion light years

On the relativistic nature of matter

When the above equations are combined and solved for distance, s, a dimension that suggests the size of the Universe beyond the visible portion results that is about the order of the measurements from the cosmic microwave background. The velocity condition is v>c, as discussed.

With the exception of the third these are familiar relations, over a century old. The first is the complex form of total mass that includes rest mass and relativistic kenetic energy. The second is the Hubble Law describing the relationship between the velocity and distance between galaxies in expanding space.

The third equation is new. It is the condition in which the distance between two galaxies, s, in the second equation is the size of the Universe. It poses that ordinary mass, m, as in trees, people, planets, stars and galaxies is exclusively relativistic, m'. If this is the case ordinary matter is dependent on velocity. Can physical existence be this ephemeral?

Lubomir Vlcek

Mgr. ve spole?nosti Physics, Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Elementary particles, High energy physics

3 年

Warren, viXra:1502.0184 (273 unique-IP downloads) Einstein's Theory of Relativity Can not Explain [28] viXra:1501.0199 (303 unique-IP downloads) Corrected Newton′s Laws of Motion [27] viXra:1501.0198 (109 unique-IP downloads) Principles for the Theory and Its Agreement with Experiment [26] viXra:1501.0197 (212 unique-IP downloads) Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion. [25] viXra:1412.0131 (154 unique-IP downloads) Improvement of Classical Physics [24] viXra:1412.0125 (135 unique-IP downloads) Kinetic Energy According to Einstein and According the Latest Knowledge [23] viXra:1411.0533 (189 unique-IP downloads) Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is Asymmetrical. [22] viXra:1411.0531 (98 unique-IP downloads) Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear [21] viXra:1411.0530 (110 unique-IP down) Kinetic Energy of a Charge Moving at the Velocity of V Has Two Different Values ? Relativity theory is a mathematical and not a physical theory. -Relativity theory is a mathematical and not a physical theory. -The theory is far from being confirmed experimentally, and the results of the measurements valid only in Einstein′s closed vicious circle: Lorentz transformation equations?<==> local time?<==> covariant equations <==> physical definition of simultaneity <==> invariant interval <==> Lorentz transformation equations -The etheric concept, which has served as an explanation for many physical phenomena for many centuries, must not be abandoned.Ether must be replaced by a transmission medium, drag coefficient always equals one (linear form of the interference field must be replaced by nonlinear form of the interference field ) - The relativity principle is valid only for mass-dependent movements, only in Einstein′s vicious circle, (symmetrical form of intensity of the moving charge electric field must be replaced by asymmetrical form ) - The theory of relativity contradicts the fundamental notions of space and time: the Euclidean space and the usual times must remain binding. - The importance of vitality in a theory and the decisive role of "healthy human understanding". David Halliday?Lubomir: ?Einstein was 41 years old and was at the zenith of his scientific fame. ? What scientific fame? Unjustified! Fame,that was exaggerated by journalists, by non-specialists, by non-physicists !! Based on dubious mathematical theory without experiment !!! In 1905 Einstein was 26 years old and was only bad student and non physicist.? R?ntgen′s nepotism: Einstein (21years old) may publish in Annalen der Physik already from1900. R?ntgen did not understand mathematics and amateurish ideas of Einstein, of course not. ? Omar Yepez, Such theories like yours, may simplify something but at the same time complicated: "(a higher dimensional object intersecting a lower dimensional world)." World is only 3-dimensional. (I've dealt with similar oscillations molecules OF6 in 24-dimensional space.) "GR is far from being experimentally confirmed" - in Einstein′s closed vicious circle: Lorentz transformation equations <==> local time <==> covariant equations <==> physical definition of simultaneity <==> invariant interval <==> Lorentz transformation equations is valid for all, is valid for everything, is valid for any stupidity, is valid for? any information. ? William Rice, The old ether theories I corrected, please see: viXra:1411.0531 ??(98 unique-IP downloads) Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear L. Vlcek, : New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-85665-64-6. Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. – Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla ,? E? ?9. -13 September 1996, https://www.trendsinphysics.info/ Special & General theory of Relativity not valid in real Universe. See you please:?https://vixra.org/pdf/1404.0238v1.pdf Movement Principles of the Fast-Spinning Bodies? Einstein's Theory of Relativity Can not Explain:? https://vixra.org/pdf/1502.0184v1.pdf William Rice, The old aether theories I corrected, please see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1411.0531v1.pdf Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-85665-64-6. David, PLEASE, The events of 1905-1920, we non overlap by the events of the years 1938 - 1945. PLEASE. We do a big mistake and future generations will hatred towards us.? FACTS: In years First World War (1914-1918) fought as ordinary soldiers Mussolini, Hitler and my grandfather. War is very bad. I live only thanks to the fact that my grandfather was captured with Italians (fought on the Piave). My grandfather was transferred to the Italy, island of Asinara , where he was - he remember huge tomatoes and excellent wine for each lunch. ????????? David Halliday?Lubomir: Of course "The events of 1905-1920" most certainly do "overlap [with] the events of the years 1938 - 1945." All history is influenced—for good or ill—by events of the past (it's causality). "We do a [great disservice to] future generations" if we claim or pretend otherwise. I am glad that you appreciate your grandfather's history... ? [27]?viXra:1501.0198??(109 unique-IP downloads) Principles for the Theory and Its Agreement with Experiment [20] ?viXra:1409.0090 ??(291 unique-IP downloads) Three Objections to Modern Physics academia.edu https://tuke.academia.edu/LubomirVlcek L. Vlcek, : New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ?ISBN 80-85665-64-6. Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. – Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla ,? E? ?9. -13 September 1996, https://www.trendsinphysics.info/ https://kopecky.rtyne.net/teorie/vlcek.pdf https://kopecky.rtyne.net/einstein/einstein.htm? ???Einstein's Theory of Relativity is a mathematical theory.? ?????????????????????????Why is it wrong from the point of view of physics???? Bad and?correct terms in physics.?? Ether is a bad term, from the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as the term " Fresnel drag coefficient" and?“aether drag hypothesis ? . Correct term in physics in physics 20th and 21th?centuries is??transmission medium“. ? Einstein’s closed vicious circle This is deception of physicists including Einstein.? Einstein’s two axioms:? a) law of propagation of light in all inertial frames? b) laws of physics (i. e. the law of propagation of light), identical in all inertial frames, mean that the light is propagated in all inertial frames at the speed of c. We can agree with this affirmation only in line with the closed coordinates system, with different media firmly connected with the frames (i. e. their coordinate axes). Otherwise, if we have the coordinate axes (skeletons) of inertial frames with a common medium, then is only one frame (skeleton - x, y, z axes) firmly connected to the medium. Although the light is propagated at the speed of c, with regard to other inertial frames, it is not true! In all inertial frames not firmly connected to the medium with regard to the frames (skeletons - x, y, z, axes only) the light does not propagate at the speed c, nevertheless the light cannot propagate in empty inertial frames (skeletons x, y, z)!? According to Einstein, the expression of vacuum (emptiness) indents to be apparently the unitive medium. That is again not correct.? Nevertheless, the vacuum consists of elementary particles, which also persist in a certain motion. It means that it is possible to connect firmly with a given vacuum the only one frame, which "moves at the speed of v = 0" with regard to the vacuum (medium). It is evident, that it is possible to create the vacuum laboratories on various planets. In all of them, the light is propagated at speed c. But with regard to different inertial frames of planets the speed is different. There are different vacuums, which move at different speed. Einstein had to shelter himself behind the law of propagation of light "at all times" so that both Einstein’s axioms could be "valid" simultaneously.? Einstein corrected the real difference of light speeds in different inertial frames (skeletons) by "different times" in a fictitious "SPACE-TIME". He helped himself with a mixture of "space-time" mathematically expressed by the Lorentz transformation equations. Then he helped himself with other new expressions, that rescue what is not possible to rescue, whereby those notions represent the following closed vicious circle: ? Lorentz transformation equations ? local time ? covariant equations ? physical definition of simultaneity ? invariant interval ? Lorentz transformation equations ? We have shown that the idea of space-time frames is entirely wrong. All notions in the closed vicious circle, including "mean proper lifetime of particle" calculated on the basis of the Einstein’s theory of relativity which was not measured experimentally in fact are absolutely wrong. Physics is overflown by such anabashed points. It is necessary to clean the physics. It is necessary to strictly distinguish the measured values of the particles lifetime from the so called proper (shorter) Einstein’s doubtful particle lifetimes, which takes into consideration velocity and shortens the real lifetime to the shorter fictitious (incorrect) proper lifetime, shown in the tables. The table proper lifetimes of particles have to be removed from the physical literature and be replaced by the measured real lifetimes simultaneously with the measured velocities of elementary particles. The incorrect notions of Einstein’s closed vicious circle lead to logical assumptions for the incorrect notions in physics such as different times in different frames, length contraction, energy-momentum tensor, paradox of twins, clock paradox, equivalence of mass and energy etc. That’s why it is necessary to remove this chaos from physics and to bring the results of classical experiments in the right proportion (the place they belong to).? It is not possible to reject Einstein’s theory of relativity by one or by a few experiments. It is necessary to start from vicious circle... The combination of the time "coordinate" with space coordinates into space-time and vicious circle originating from this is a big mathematical mistake.? This is deception of physicists including Einstein.? On 18 March 2010, it was announced that he had met the criteria to receive the first Clay Millennium Prize[4] for resolution of the Poincaré conjecture. On 1 July 2010, he turned down the prize of one million dollars, saying that he considered the decision of the board of CMI and the award very unfair and that his contribution to solving the Poincaré conjecture was no greater than that of Richard S. Hamilton, the mathematician who pioneered the Ricci flow with the aim of attacking the conjecture.[5][6]He also turned down the prestigious prize of the European Mathematical Society ? ? Einstein's Procedure for Synchronizing Clocks? John D. Norton? Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh? Pittsburgh PA 15260. Homepage: www.pitt.edu/~jdnorton? This page (with animated figures) is available at www.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/goodies ? ? Einstein's?theory of relativity can not explain ... ? 1. Movement principles of the fast-spinning?pulsars, 2. Nuclear Fusion , 3. Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic?Energy Against and In?Direction of Motion? 4. the 4th Maxwell's equation, 5. Lorentz equals?without the help of Space-Time, 6.Confinement of quarks 7. Great Table of Elementary Particles 8. Spectral line Hα 9. Neutrino?Oscillations 10. Form of the interference field must be non-linear. 11.Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field must be asymmetrical. 12.Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values:? Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave?? ?Tkin ad = mc^2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)]?? Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle?? Tkin id?= mc^2[ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)]? 13. Yukawa potential ? Nobel laureates in physics are mostly physicists, who mainly create and defend physics. Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity... For nearly 100 years ago have been Nobel Prize winners said: ? ?- Die Relativit?tstheorie ist eine mathematische und keine physikalische Theorie." ?Change QUALITY ? 1905 A.E. : Einstein ′s theory Tkin =mc^2 – mo c^2 ? 1996: Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ]? ? Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ]? ? Einstein's theory works only for v < 0.1c.? ? ?https://biocoreopen.org/ijnme/New-Trends-in-Physics-Extraordinary-proofs.pdf ? A particle moving in a transmission medium. ? Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) moving at the velocity of v has two different values: ? Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) ? Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion of a particle ( charge) ? It is realy as Newton′s kinetic energy, ? where v is velocity of a particle ( charge) . ? Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge)?Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion of a particle ( charge) ? It is realy?as Maxwell′s electromagnetic wave energy, ? ? Critical examination of fundamentals in physics https://www.trendsinphysics.info/ ? academia.edu https://tuke.academia.edu/LubomirVlcek ? L. Vlcek, : New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-85665-64-6. ? Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. – Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla ,? E?9. -13 September 1996, ? https://www.trendsinphysics.info/ ? New-Trends-in-Physics-Extraordinary-proofs. ? https://biocoreopen.org/ijnme/New-Trends-in-Physics-Extraordinary-proofs.pdf ? Video https://youtu.be/iAjYkRyMw5Y Science from History to Future A Hundred Authors Against Einstein A collection of various criticisms can be found in the book Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein (A Hundred Authors Against Einstein), published in 1931. It contains very short texts from 28 authors, and excerpts from the publications of another 19 authors. The rest consists of a list that also includes people who only for some time were opposed to relativity. Besides philosophic objections (mostly based on Kantianism), also some alleged elementary failures of the theory were included, however, as some commented, those failures were due to the authors' misunderstanding of relativity. For example, Hans Reichenbach described the book as an "accumulation of naive errors", and as "unintentionally funny". Albert von Brunn interpreted the book as a backward step to the 16th and 17th century, and Einstein is reported to have said, in response to the book, that, if he were wrong, one author alone would have been sufficient to refute him:[1] Academic and non-academic criticism Some academic scientists, especially experimental physicists such as the Nobel laureates Philipp Lenard and Johannes Stark, as well as Ernst Gehrcke, Stjepan Mohorovi?i?, Rudolf Tomaschek and others criticized the increasing mathematization of modern physics, especially in the form of relativity theory and quantum mechanics. It was seen as a tendency to abstract theory building, connected with the loss of "common sense". In fact, relativity was the first theory, in which the inadequacy of the "illustrative" classical physics was clearly demonstrated. The critics ignored these developments and tried to revitalize older theories, such as aether drag models or emission theories (see "Alternative Theories"). However, those qualitative models were never sufficiently advanced to compete with the success of the precise experimental predictions and explanatory powers of the modern theories. Additionally, there was also a great rivalry between experimental and theoretical physicists, as regards the professorial activities and the occupation of chairs at German universities. The opinions clashed at the "Bad Nauheim debate" in 1920 between Einstein and Lenard, which attracted much attention in the public.[A 41][A 40][C 15][C 23][C 24] In addition, there were many critics (with or without physical training) whose ideas were far outside the scientific mainstream. These critics were mostly people who had developed their ideas long before the publication of the theory of relativity and they tried resolve in a straightforward manner some or all of the enigmas of the world. Therefore, Wazeck (who studied some German examples) gave to these "free researchers" the name "world riddle solver" ("Weltr?tsell?ser", such as Arvid Reuterdahl, Hermann Fricke or Johann Heinrich Ziegler). Their views had their quite different roots in monism, Lebensreform, or occultism. Their methods were characterized by the fact that they practically rejected the entire terminology and the (primarily mathematical) methods of modern science. Their works were published by private publishers, or in popular and non-specialist journals. It was significant for many "free researchers" (especially the monists) to explain all phenomena by intuitive and illustrative mechanical (or electrical) models, which also found its expression in their defense of the aether. Therefore they rejected the inscrutability of the relativity theory, which was considered a pure calculation method that cannot reveal the true reasons behind things. The "free researchers" often used Mechanical explanations of gravitation, in which gravity is caused by some sort of "aether pressure" or "mass pressure from a distance". Such models were regarded as an illustrative alternative to the abstract mathematical theories of gravitation of both Newton and Einstein. Additionally, also the enormous self-confidence of the "free researchers" is noteworthy, since they not only believed to have solved all the riddles of the world, but also had the expectation that they would rapidly convince the scientific community.[A 42][C 25][C 26][C 27] However, most of these discussions were failing from the start. Physicists like Gehrcke, some philosophers, and the "free researchers" were so obsessed with their own ideas and prejudices, that they were unable to grasp the basics of relativity, consequently the participants of the discussions were talking past each other. In fact, the theory which was criticized by them was not relativity at all, but rather a caricature of it. The "free researchers" were mostly ignored by the scientific community, but with time also respected physicists such as Lenard and Gehrcke found themselves in a position outside the scientific community. However, the critics didn't believe that this was due to their incorrect theories, but rather due to a conspiracy of the relativistic physicists (and in the 1920s & 1930s of the Jews as well), which allegedly tried to put down the critics, and to preserve and improve their own positions within the academic world. For example, Gehrcke (1920/24) held that the propagation of relativity is a product of some sort of mass suggestion. Therefore he instructed a Media monitoring service to collect over 5000 newspaper clippings which were related to relativity, and published his findings in a book. However, Gehrcke's claims were rejected, because the simple existence of the "relativity hype" says nothing about the validity of the theory, and thus it cannot used for or against relativity.[A 43][A 44][C 28] Afterward, some critics tried to improve their positions by the formation of alliances. One of them was the "Academy of Nations", which was founded in 1921 in the USA by Robert T. Browne and Arvid Reuterdahl. Other members were Thomas Jefferson Jackson See and as well as Gehrcke and Mohorovi?i? in Germany. Whether other American critics such as Charles Lane Poor, Charles Francis Brush, Dayton Miller were also members, is unknown. However, the alliance disappeared already in the mid 1920s in Germany and 1930 in the USA.[A 45]

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