Relationships outside of the home
I am curious about relationships that children and young people are creating. As an adult we have a great deal of control if we choose to make friendships outside of our immediate family and circle. Do we realize how important these relationships influence our well-being? There are several phrases that speak to connections: "It takes a village to raise a child" or "Many hands make light work". How are we implementing the importance of community in the lives of our children? What and how to we teach our children the value of Unity, Confidence and Cooperation? I believe that if we were to "nurture" our community by teaching our children to take lead in assessing themselves in the environments we place them, we would be encouraging conversation, taking the lead of helping, cleaning up, practicing gratitude, expressing their talents and ideas openly and work with enthusiasm for a common goal. There are many opportunities for you and your children to appreciate and practice the above in your community. It would be my pleasure to know how you currently engage your child outside of the home, other than organized sports, and how this has benefited your child's self worth and self esteem.