Relationships - One of the 15 Drivers of Burnout

Relationships - One of the 15 Drivers of Burnout

There are 15 Drivers of Human Comfort and Distress and if you have a good relationship with them you will prevent Burnout, and build your Mental Fitness, Strength and Resilience. If you have a poor relationship with them, or even some of them, you could become symptomatic of Burnout or an underlying health condition.

Here's some advice for the third one.


Life revolves around the relationships we keep, and some are good and some are not so good. If you have any poor relationships, take some personal time to think through and understand why they are poor. Is there an opportunity to take the lead on mending any broken relationships? Consider if it’s really healthy and beneficial to anyone to maintain a poor relationship. Embrace the up-sides of improving relationships with everyone you engage with. Don’t regret not making amends as sometimes it can be left too late. What can you do differently? If you need a guide, contact me.

Next post, Purpose.

Please take the Burnout Assessment to score yourself against the Drivers. It is completely Anonymous and takes just 3-4 minutes. When you click on the Report Link at the end you will get a pdf of your scoring so you can actively manage and improve your relationship with the ones you need to. Also amplify those you do, and can do, well to mitigate against those you can't right now.

For a Free e-Book, simply Direct Message me 15Drivers or add 15Drivers in the comments below and I'll send it across.

Colin - The Burnout Beater


