Relationships are most valuable things
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Relationships are indeed a necessity in life, cause even thou u try to avoid it, you will always find yourself in one, but there is no relationship like that of a family, a mother, father, and children. My relationship with my best friends. I have two best friends and I always wonder what did I do to deserve them? Needless to say when I count my blessings I count my best friends twice!We have been friends for almost 8–10 years by now and if I look back I see how every little happy moment became celebration with them and how difficult moments were so easy they being my side!
Though now it's very difficult to stay in touch on daily basis because they are now staying in different cities but distance has never been a problem with us as deep down we know we will be there for each other no matter what. This relationship means a lot to me because of many reasons. Our friendship was not much about hanging out but it was more about long walks & deep conversations. We use to spend so much time walking-talking that we built a solid foundation of trust & understanding.
We three never compromised on being honest & blunt. Rule was simple - “if you're wrong means you're wrong”. We gave each other honest opinion without worrying about being judged. We never really cared about going to expensive places or giving each other gifts but still we enjoyed each other's presence and every hand made gift or small surprises were beyond special. We are very different from each other yet so connected. Because there is always so much to learn from each other and somehow our choices reflect one common interest - to help each grow in positive way!
Sometimes months pass by without being in touch but whenever we talk it's just like we talked yesterday. We don't know what jealousy or insecurity is we are more happy for each other if something good happens & more sad when something goes wrong! Look at the bright side! Yes that is how we help each other always when things fall apart!No one can hurt my best friend like I do but no one can love them like I do as simple as that!
We keep each other in our prayers. first person to tell good news to and if I feel lonely and want to cry at 3 am I know whom to call! We have thousands of pictures but still very few pictures of ours may be because we were too busy connecting than clicking! I can on and on and on writing about this relationship I share with my best friends but to be precise this relationship means lot more to me than any other relationship. *Touchwood*. I’ve enjoyed, cried, shared and learned a lot from my best friends. I love them!
A man sees a snake dying in flames and decides to free it from the fire. As soon as he catches it, the snake bites him causing excruciating pain. The man immediately drops the snake and the reptile falls back into the burning flames. At this point the man, looking around, finds a metal pole and uses it to take the snake from the flames again, saving his life.Another man, who had seen what happen, approaches the man and asks him: "This snake bit you! Why are you trying to save his life?" The man replies: "The snake's nature is to bite, but that won't change my nature, which is to help." Don't change your nature just because someone has hurt you. Don't lose your goodness of mind, but learn to act carefully.
My relationship with God. He is the source of my life and my strength, and he is the reason why I am able to love and to forgive. Drawing close to Him causes his virtues to become a part of me, and this allows me to have tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. And above all—love for my neighbor. One relationship in my life that means most to me is the one which I have with myself. Have faith in your self, believe in your thoughts, work on your dreams and love yourself a bit!!!
Back in the ’60s I learned a most valuable slogan at a summer camp for boys: "God is first, others are second, and I am third". A more adult version is that our relationships, and indeed our very lives, should be modeled on our hands. Orient your hand so the thumb is up and spread out your fingers. The thumb is thickest and strongest, and it points up. It represents your relationship with God. The index finger is your most important and most used finger, and it points at your wife.
Your middle finger is (at least for men) your longest, and represents your relationships with the rest of your family, especially your children. The fourth finger represents your relationships with your friends, and your pinky finger, the smallest and weakest, is your relationship with yourself. Notice also that in this position, the hand covers the most area it can cover. This is why I feel mostly pity for self-centered individuals. Fold all but the pinky finger back and look at all the life they are missing! Cheers!