Deborah Pietruszka
Assist in developing skills that are specific to meeting objectives that aligns with their career or personal goals and to improve work-life balance and overall well-being.
When life becomes too hectic and demanding, do you ever daydream about what it would be like to be totally alone somewhere peaceful and beautiful? Think about it: there wouldn’t be anyone asking or demanding that you do anything.
At first, this solitary lifestyle might feel like a dream come true. But eventually, you’d start to notice that there also wouldn’t be anyone to talk to, argue with, have fun with, or love.
People are created as “social creatures.” True, some thrive in a monastic or hermit type of lifestyle, but most of us need the daily interaction of relationships. Relationships at all levels—personal, school, work or recreation—provide us with many growth opportunities, if we are open to seeing them.
At 51, Marian* had been married and divorced twice. Both times, she fell in love with and married someone she considered to be “the man of her dreams.” She was wined, dined, and given expensive gifts. Her former husbands were wealthy, highly successful men who owned large businesses. Though initially drawn to Marian for her beauty and sophistication, after a few years of marriage, they each spent less and less time with her, becoming more focused and consumed with their respective businesses. They also became more controlling of what Marian wore, how she looked, and where she went. She ended up feeling unloved, abandoned and demeaned.
The breakthrough for Marian came when she recognized the toxic pattern in the men she chose to wed. Once Marian realized this, she vowed to increase her awareness of personality styles and relationship patterns with the men who were romantically interested in her. She also made a pact with herself for increased self-love, nurturing, and appreciation.
Frequently, people we interact with are reflections of our own selves. It has been said that the personality traits we dislike in someone else, are often those we dislike in ourselves. Although we may be reluctant to admit it, relationships can be our best teachers.
We’re also often unaware of the patterns—positive or negative—that affect our relationships. As a result, when we feel “stuck” in, say, a romantic relationship, we ask ourselves, “How is it I continue to choose someone as a partner whose personality and actions don't harmonize with me?”
WOMEN IN LIGHT is designed to facilitate the breakthroughs needed to move forward, as Marian did. The workshops will provide strategies to identify personality styles, communication blocks and misunderstandings, toxic relationships, and impaired relationship patterns. With this knowledge, we will assess our individual relationship strengths and challenges. From there, we can focus on our desired relationship outcomes, and move past that “stuck in troublesome relationship” mode.
You’re invited to join us for our WOMEN IN LIGHT workshop sessions, and learn how to expand any repetitive, unfulfilling relationships into mutually enjoyable ones.
Contact Deb Pietruszka at 484-632-9300.
Email: [email protected]
*Name changed to protect privacy