Relationships: Don't carry your past resentments into your future.

Relationships: Don't carry your past resentments into your future.

There is practically no relationship that does not include some past hurts, regrets or resentments. The resentments usually stem from past hurts which have not been acknowledged and/or processed properly. 

We cannot walk into the future together whilst being held down by the past. It takes way too much energy and takes away too much of the fun and joy that should be the biggest part of being in a relationship.

I see this time and time again, where during the course of a couples relationship, they have not completely processed or let go of past hurts. They may have tried to just move on and then life becomes about the day to day, staying busy, looking after the kids, working, and socialising but feeling quietly unsatisfied and unhappy within the relationship until it's too late. 

A past hurt is a bit like a snake bite - as Dr. Wayne Dyer liked to say. Once you are bitten by a snake, you cannot be unbitten but it is not the bite that kills's the venom that continues to pour through your veins, if you allow it. The same with a wound or cut, your nature says close up the wound but imagine if we said: "Oh, no you don't! I need this wound to stay open so I can show everyone and feel justified in my behaviour and action towards you". 

When you openly talk through past hurts and resentments and resolve to pack them away as a previous chapter of your relationship, you will be more able to walk freely into the future together. 

When you do this, your love and passion for each other may just surprise you by arriving back in your relationship when you thought it was all over. 

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