Relationships do matter!

Relationships do matter!

We are in times when we have to think differently amidst the changes all around us in our now normal. The importance of Relationships is now more real, and its appreciation indispensable across the board for both professionals and organizations.

Rapid developments have required us to be conscious of emerging opportunities to develop and grow our networks in ways we may not have considered before. As we reflect on the progress and strides that we are making to move forward, we have to be deliberate with this agenda and how we maintain it as a driving force.

We need to be cognizant and practically present. It just does not happen!. We need to bridge current gaps and make use of what is available to relate to people as people as they navigate through different seasons. Some of the limitations we have faced such as limited budgets and access has helped prioritize what is critical and impactful. The age old dynamics still remain – communication, trust, authenticity, empathy among others and it is our responsibility to reinforce and have them as goals we have to achieve.

Making use of what is emerging. As we all look to thrive, innovations have opened up different possibilities to engage. Terms like digital closeness and experience are now part of us and need to be explored to advance our relations. This opens up a breadth and depth of opportunities that are now available – think AI, internet of things, digital systems remote environments among others. Let us relate with people where they are at today and journey with them.

Let us continuously assess the strength and depth of our circles. It is important to be acquainted with the influences that determine the strength of our affiliations. Developing a unique system around how we develop, monitor and make continuous improvements will anchor us forward. This is where initiative and determination steps in to invest time and effort to make this a reality.

Only talking about relationships does not grow them, what matters is being active and relevant with them today. It is about those small steps that converge into big strides that translate into progress.


