Relationship - Relatedness
Who I am in the world is a function of my relationships.??
What is your relationship to your mind?
What is your relationship to your past??
What is your relationship to your identity?
What is your relationship to your heart?
What is your relationship to your soul?
Whatis your relationship?to Self?
What is your relationship to the divine??
re·la·tion·ship? (noun)
?We open the next series of Sangha calls on the phenomenon of relationships—relationships with people and situations outside of yourself and relationships inside yourself.?
You came in as an asking,
a particular longing for,
a blessing invoked, a prayer.
There was no casual about it.
You knew you needed to save your life.
You, in particular,
needed this, wanted this,
wanted more than anything,
this conversation with your heart.
For many months you waited for the symphony to begin,
while all the while you gathered the instruments,
the unique sounds of your own song
not your mother’s
or your father’s
but yours.
You created the notes, the chords, the themes
that would carry you through the passage.
Your soul was thirsty, and you drank, as you created courage, and told the truth.
Kept telling the truth, into the well of safety.
Reached down, even, to where you were shy
of telling the truth.
Reached out, beyond yourself, each time, and found that you were still loved.
Magically, alchemically,
the pure waters of your deep well within
met your blessing,
as the other orchestral voices joined your song.
Together, and as one, you swirled and swirled, round and round, in those loving, listening waters,
transforming, and transforming once again who you were,
who you are
to be in this life.
you became a burning torch
and could walk out of the dark forest of dreariness from which you came.
A light, now,
stepping out into your new world,
married to your soul.
The next Sangha call is for Members only on April 10th, 4:00 pm PT. (You will receive reminder email the day of.)?
The open Sangha call is on April 24th. Join us: