The Relationship Journey - Active Listening
Colin D Smith
The Listener - Improving the listening, thinking and relationship skills of individuals and teams. Expert in listening.
Active Listening: the 12 elements (part 1)
Preparing to listen
Now things are starting to get interesting. We are about to go into a meeting, either physically or virtually. Under the umbrella of active listening, where do we start?
Personal preparation
In the first blog of this series, we talked about the preparation from a logistical perspective, and we touched on getting our intention right, now we need to get ourselves ready to actively listen.
We all have our way of ‘getting ready’, for me it starts with making sure that I arrive early, therefore less stressed than if I am running late, and a period of mindful breathing, deeply and consciously. In can be for a minute or two, eyes closed or eyes open.
One organisation I know has their own ritual. Every hour on the hour, for one minute, across all of their locations, instrumental music is played. As soon as it starts, everyone stops whatever they are doing and either closes their eyes or stares at an object. The place falls still and silent. When the music stops they carry on.
Interestingly, they also use this one-minute of silence at the beginning of each meeting, so that all attending can become present. At the end of the meeting, the same one minute of silence, this time to enable embodying of all that has just taken place and to set them up for wherever the go to next. In addition, should the meeting get too heated or non-productive, anyone can call for one minute of silence. In that silence, everything changes.
Next, I make sure that my mobile is turned to silence and is in my bag, away from sight.
Finally, I do a body scan to notice anything else going on in my body, to relax, get centred and to become present.
Non-judgement and Equality
To enable me to see and hear the other more fully I remind myself that I am meeting a fellow human being, with all the baggage they are choosing to travel with on their journey, as I too am travelling with mine! Holding that in mind enables me to judge them less and to accept them as an equal, (whatever their status, role, sex, race, religion or beliefs). I believe that we are all doing our best, in spite of how it may seem, with all that goes with being human, and all that has happened in our pasts.
Whenever I struggle with non-judgement, I think about my good friend Jo Berry.
In 1984, at the age of 18, she woke up to learn that her father, Sir Anthony Berry, a Conservative MP had been killed in what became known as the IRA Brighton Bombings. Within two days, Jo vowed that her Father’s death would not have been in vain.
In 2000, she sat down and listened to the one person who had been charged with the bombing, Pat Magee. She listened for about 90 minutes to Pat, whilst he told her all about why he did what he did, justifying his reasons and so on. At this point, Jo spoke, and said, “You know Pat, had I experienced the life that you had experienced, it is entirely possible I would have done what you did.” This stopped Pat completely in his tracks. He later shared, “Here was this woman, whose Father I have killed and she is telling me that she understands”. He went on, “Her empathy completely disarmed me”.
Their meeting went on longer, but the conversation had changed. Since then they have travelled the world, sharing their story and bringing differing parties together, such as the Israelis and Palestinians who have all lost loved ones in the conflict.
Curiosity and Interest
I recall meeting a new prospect at his club. I asked for him at Reception and they were delighted to take me to him. I noticed that he greeted the Receptionist by name. I subsequently found out that he knew all of the staff by their first name. Not only that, he knew about their job, some of their personal lives and so much more. It was evident that he was extraordinarily loved by so many of the staff, yet he was 'just' one of the members. I asked him why. He said one word. “Curiosity. I am genuinely interested in them, and in doing so they are interested in me.” Each of them feels heard, valued and their contribution matters. Does he get special treatment? You bet he does!
To read more see…
The Journey Inside – Coaching to the Core
Chapter 3 - The Transformational Impact of Active Listening by Colin D Smith
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