Relationship-Driven Healthcare + Diabetes Epidemic in Vulnerable Populations + One Family's Story of Advocating
Watch our video to explore how relationship-driven healthcare impacts pregnant and parenting families, learn why vulnerable populations are disproportionately affected by the diabetes epidemic, and read one family's story on advocating for nurse home visiting in Washington, DC. Stay up-to-date on the latest on nurse-led care by subscribing to our email newsletter today.
Relationship-Driven Healthcare: Nurse Home Visitors
National Nurse-Led Care Consortium annually serves about 800 families in Philadelphia through its two evidence-based nurse home visiting programs -- the Philadelphia Nurse-Family Partnership and the Mabel Morris Family Home Visit Program. Through long-term relationships between nurses and families, clients are empowered to make decisions that will support the health and well-being of themselves and their children well into the future. Explore how relationship-driven healthcare impacts pregnant and parenting families in Philadelphia. Watch our video here.
3 Ways the Diabetes Epidemic Impacts Vulnerable Communities
Diabetes is a growing concern in the United States, affecting millions of lives and disproportionately impacting the most vulnerable communities. Within this landscape, public housing residents face unique challenges that contribute to alarming statistics. Delve into three critical facts that shed light on the diabetes epidemic within these populations. Read the list here.
One Family's Story of Advocating for Nurse Home Visiting
On January 31, 2024, our Nurse Advocacy Manager Joy Ahn led a number of Nurse Home Visitors and families in advocacy during the 2024 National Home Visiting Summit. One family that joined the Summit was Janae Blakeley’s family, consisting of herself and her two sons. They spoke to representatives, explaining the nurse home visitors and NNCC programs' impact on their lives. After visiting with legislators, Janae sat down with us. She explained the impact of nurse home visitors, specifically her nurse’s work as a Community Clinic Systems Integration nurse with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), on her family. Read here.
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