Relationship Between Stress and Disease
Virtual Assistants Uganda
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Severe and prolonged stress is associated with diseases such as psychosomatic disorders. These are diseases in which psychological factors play a role in causing actual harm to the body or changes in how the body functions.
There are a number of diseases that are thought to be psychosomatic, such as bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, migraine, stomach ulcers, arthritis, heart disease, urticaria, and other disorders associated with overstimulation of the autonomic nervous system.
There is this one that is hardly talked about in relation to the mind-AIDs and HIV/AIDS
HIV and AIDS and mental health
Throughout my childhood, there was a palpable fear in the air; if you were outside their compound, all parents worried about was their child contracting AIDS. As the only safe place, they send you to boarding school. [But are they still safe?] Anyone in the 1990s who wanted to learn about AIDS could. Teenage or boy/girlfriend sex was rare talk because, I suppose, the fear was much more overwhelming than labor pains. In school, we had special classes for guidance and counseling at least twice a week. [However, we now allow the internet to teach our children without providing them with alternatives.] or Is the option safe? A question that many never ask]
We youngsters had a vivid source of optimism in the man who was the first in my country, Uganda, to publicly disclose his status despite losing weight but keeping his voice. His name is Philly Bongole Lutaaya (late). One of his songs still on the airwaves, "Alone and Frightened," would make you sob uncontrollably and make you flee from any man who tried to sit next to you. "What if he also has AIDS?" was the hypothetical thought.?It was a selfish thought, but one that preserved many of us, I suppose.
AIDS is not the same as HIV. Although AIDS is a disease, HIV is not. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pathogen that targets the immune system of the body. HIV can cause AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) if it is not treated. Currently, there is no effective treatment available. [Or is there one?] When someone contracts HIV, they are permanently infected.?
Technology in medicine has advanced so highly that treatments have been formulated over time, including having an injection with no need to swallow medicine. check it out. Nonetheless, how many people can actually afford this injection? How about access? Is it here in Africa?
Something else also comes to mind: "Have we thought about what it means to swallow medicine every day?" that in order to survive the next malaria attack, one must maintain their CD4 count by taking medicine.
If not for the grace of God, I would have been completely perplexed by the state of mind someone undergoing daily treatment would experience, because sanity suggests normalcy, which means no sickness or "normal getting sick" as some want to call it. But if there is anything such as "normal" sickness, why are some people dying from the very thing some are calling normal?
A person's well-being—which includes emotions, cognition, and behavior—helps define that person's state of well-being, day after day. I empathize with whoever is battling AIDs or any other form of chronic illness.?
My therapy has been empathizing, but does the other person realize you are empathizing with them or does it just affect you??
Martha Immaculate Nakafu
content writing | virtual assistance
Thank you Murungi Vincent De Paul for reposting. to greater heights