Relationship made by our early age when we unable to move, feed and clean to our self !
We have the starts beginner of relation with a human who take care of us feed us.
Relation make the connection and become to unity, we get the security in only when we were in unity.
This is the path of humanity to make sure that one an other will support unconditional.
People make relations on depended of the nature as of their relative , neighbor , friends , acquaints and beyond of the region and their customs.
The relationship based on trust and by the trust only relationship goon for the long time and with beneficial for both.
But if you try to get only your single benefit then that relation breaks !
We are having the example in this during this pandemic of COVID-19, when every one was stucked in their home and the humanity raises up and they become helping hand and didn't left the human to sufferings in COVID-19, but the volunteers become out and trust on their faith and begin to start voluntary job to those who was infected in COVID-19, they risk their life's and given alive to the humanity.
Still we are making the relation to help each other.
God is great who given us this kind of trust and faith to love for humanity.
Requested you to make the good relationship between all of us.