On the Relational Fabric of Our Existence and Future
Maxim Dedushkov
Founder of Holis, Lead at Places to Grow, Visiting Lecturer at RCA, Partner at Liminal
It's all about connections. In every aspect of life, the bonds we form play a huge role. Mark Granovetter's insightful paper, “The Strength of Weak Ties”, shows that even distant or casual connections can make a big difference in our lives. But our connections go beyond just people. We also have ties to nature, to the world around us.
Somewhere along the way, especially in Western culture, it seems we've forgotten these important connections. We've drifted away from both our relationships with each other and our bond with the environment. And now, we're seeing the effects. Big issues like climate change, inequality, and divisive politics can't be solved with a quick fix or a single guidebook. They're complicated, and they require us to come together.
To really address these challenges, we need to get back to basics. We have to understand and value our connections, both with people and the environment. It's not just about finding a quick solution, but about building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships.
And it starts with the next generation. We should be teaching our kids that it's not just about personal achievements or being the best. It's about working together, understanding others, and taking care of the planet.
In the end, it's our connections that will shape our future and determine the kind of world we leave behind.