Related identification methods of turquoise

Related identification methods of turquoise

Everyone knows that turquoise is rich in copper and iron, and the infusion of water will darken the color of the original turquoise, while the turquoise optimized by injection will not respond at all. However, everyone should pay attention here, some turquoises with high-porcelain structure in the ore turquoise will change color very slowly when immersed in water, and even do not change color. Therefore, the soaking method is suitable for those turquoise with a slightly looser structure, but not for high-porcelain dense turquoise. The loose structure of turquoise ore not only changes color quickly, but also has a lot of bubbles on the surface.

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The most unreliable part of the soaking method is that it ignores the high porcelain turquoise. Turquoise with high porcelain content will hardly change after being soaked in water. So this method is only suitable for general turquoise.

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Another method with the same popularity as the soaking method is fire. It is rumored that the optimized turquoise can be distinguished by fire. The basis is that the turquoise optimized by injection and wax will show its original shape under fire. This method is very unreliable, not that it cannot be identified. Turquoise cannot be burned at all, whether it is raw ore or optimized, it will be discarded as soon as it is burned. The correct method is to use a red-hot iron needle close to the turquoise to observe whether there is any precipitate. This method does not hurt the turquoise.

Another misunderstanding is to use a purple light to judge whether turquoise is injected with glue. Some people have done a lot of comparative tests on this, and the conclusion is that the injected goods have no fluorescent reaction. Some of Qinjiao has it, and some does not. Moreover, there is already a glue that does not produce fluorescent reactions in the industry. Therefore, avoid taking medicine or go to the national inspection, do the national inspection, do the national inspection, and say it three times to show its importance. It doesn't cost much, this method is currently the most reliable.


