Rejection = Action
In my last blog I covered some of the core elements why salespeople are afraid to cold call these days, if you have not read my last blog, I would recommend you to read that before jumping into this read. Here is the quick action link -
Remember my aim is to be like that old school doctor which distills the core elements to understand why Sales reps get nervous to pick up the phone & start dialing rather than questioning them in a stringent way like most sales manager does “Why heck I cannot see your call entries in our CRM?”
I’m like that doctor which understands the psyche of patients first, deep dive into the core reason/habits that lead him/her to this disease before offering a medicine.
Let us list out some common Rejections phobias salespeople have in their mind before they pick up the phone:-
- Fear of listening to word ‘No’
- Taking rejections over the call personally
- It de-motivates you because you don’t ‘Know’ what you should ‘Know’
- No quick results initially
Let's break each of them down in detail with the set of technics (Pro Tips) we can practice to get rid out of Rejection Phobia:-
1) Fear of listening to word ‘No’ - Let's face it, Cold Calling is not a slot machine where you pull the rod & earn some chips instantly. Statistics says ‘one-third of the people you are going to speak with will never share their interests in your offering’, It is often marked that you cannot get yes before 19 No’s (Read Stephan Schiffman Books to understand this phenomenon in detail)
Pro Tip - Very Simple! Let's understand this as a reality and move ahead. If you are driving towards a crossroads regularly which you know has a hell of traffic signals, would it make sense to curse & get afraid of red signals every day? How about knowing the fact that ‘this is how it is & plan your day accordingly’Let's know 'how the devil would be before you face it!' Knowing the known would give you peace & wisdom"
P.S - Again once you master the art of cold calling you can gradually challenge the 19 ‘No’s’ philosophy & set the appointments much faster may be in first 5-10 calls! These needs practice and patience so don't try it being a novice.
2) Taking rejections over the call personally - This is one of the biggest emotional wrecks which has kept me behind prospecting over the years & I’m sure a lot of sales rep might have endured through a similar emotional stream. Whenever someone says “No” over the call to me I used to take those 'No's personally which usually affects my lined up calls. Let's face it no one likes to listen to “No” at least not from the people you don’t know :)
Pro Tip - You need to understand prospects don’t say ‘No’ to you personally they are saying ‘No’ to your products, offers, company etc. You will never hear a customer saying ‘No’ because 'you are fat' or 'you have a hard voice or you are too skinny' etc & what not! Please thrash this emotional train out of your rack and understand ‘No’ is never personal.
Let's be more professional rather than being emotional while understanding the prime reasoning being prospect negligence over the call. Let's grow up!
3) It de-motivates you because you don’t ‘Know’ what you should ‘Know’ - 'Kavish I get demotivated when I go through a lot of No’s from day one, it just presses me behind the bars emotionally'. Well, my answer to such proclamation would be simple “You don’t know what you should know” Following are some of the areas you are less trained on which makes you demotivated all the time:-
- No regular Sales training
- Lack of Sales Cycle understanding
- Poor in Objection Handling
- Falling short of Sales closing techniques
- You are afraid to ask hard questions
- You are emotionally on the weaker side
- You need to work on your mindset
Pro Tip- Sales is a mindset & preparation game, the less you train your mindset the larger the gap it creates between you & your customer. You need to train yourself regularly on the mindset level first before diving into the world of sales techniques.
You need to train your brain & the emotional side of you before you start your day. How you do that, a) Daily Exercise b) Sales Training c) Meditation 4) Fearless attitude. I’ll deep dive into all these factors in my coming blogs in a broader set but first, let's understand this in simple terms “Sales is a mindset activity” better the mindset you have more customers you have waiting on your side.
4) No quick results - Patience with persistence is what I have to say before I end up my writing on this blog. We are living in fast-paced, social media world where we are ingrained with a mindset of instant gratification which is keeping us away from Cold Calling. Cold Calling is not like a Casino game you play at Vegas which gives you some sort of chips every time when you pull the chord up & down. You need to be persistent & patient while running this activity. Long-term results are guaranteed if you just keep the nerve and keep dialing.
Pro Tip- Be patient & keep dialing with a smile on your face :)
If you have liked this blog please do share your feedbacks & love. I would like to know pro-tips you use in your daily sales life to counterattack those rejections daily while prospecting. I would love to convert my blog into a prolific forum which benefits our sales community.