Rejecting Rejections - Breaking 1 barrier at a time
Amitesh Anand
Committed to #BetterPlanetTogether | Co-building business for future talent. #livedigital | Tech guy with Business Acumen | Building IPs for Partners
I had a very unique opportunity to speak at @TEDxKanke last week at Ranchi. The theme of the talk was breaking barriers.
It was a great opportunity to meet other leaders and speakers. They traveled from different parts of the world to share their stories and idea. The TEDx video should be out there soon. It's kind of little pressure to speak at TEDx type event when you have a habit of talking little too much. To contain myself, and pick the correct choice of words - I wrote a script that I thought I would deliver. It's a different story that I kind-of spoke only a line or two from a script but I am looking forward to video eagerly, myself.
Johar, from the land of Birsa Munda.
Have you been at the moment in time in your lives when you want something to happen so badly; and, for some weird reasons it doesn’t happen?
I am sure, we are not playing gods here. So, all of us have faced rejection or two, to say the least in our lives. And, do you remember your feeling when you got that rejection?
Did you feel anxious?
Or even depressed? Each one of us has a different reaction to rejection. And each of us has a way to overcome our fear of rejection.
Life has much to offer.
These rejections in my life have come with twists. A twist of the good kind. In fact, I have got used to rejections so much now – that If I don’t face rejections often, I get worried.
When I overhear conversation between my Heart and my Mind, all I could hear Heart shouting to Mind “Hey buddy, up there, Is this guy alive? something’s wrong. Have you stopped taking risks? Have you stopped innovating?!”
When you start to learn to reject rejections, you break your first barrier – a barrier of mind.
“Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world.”
The story of determination is like a Half-Filled Glass. You struggle to find out which half is your determination. In fact, you could very well move the world – once determined. I was determined too. To get out of the status-quo and discover my path.
My path was the path of “doing something of my own”. The only barrier at the point in time was a barrier of courage. Courage to chase dreams. Those lofty dreams which you see for yourself as a kid. You live by them until reality strikes. I was struck by lightning too. There was a sense of restlessness. There was this element inside the heart shouting, “Listen to me. Follow me.” And, then there was this Level-headed thought sparkling, “Dreams cannot be real. Be realistic?”.
Going beyond this barrier of courage was very much like traveling an unbeaten path. Chances of you getting a beating on this unbeaten path are quite high.
“Doing my own business” as a kid was sort of thing that brought excitement. It let me visualize how I want to see myself in the future. The future, which was unseen but as a kid, you were unbiased about everything. The dream gave me a purpose. A purpose strong enough to let me dilute every single barrier that one could think of.
I had a dream, a dream of a peaceful life. I thought that it should be an easy thing to achieve.
You take the first step.
While I started up for the first time, I was of the kind who had “Fire in Belly” and a certain degree of an accident.
My background has middle-class values from a relatively smaller town; where every Father has a dream for his son. A dream where his son is an engineer and ends up in Infosys doing a “high end” programming job. Then the ideal son should work for at least a couple of years to get an MBA from some reputed college. This way the son leaves the hardships behind to get to the management track and have a good, predictable and decent lifestyle. As a father, I can tell you that, you strive to become a better version of your father for your kids.
So, like anyone else I was trying to create a balance between my “father’s son” and myself.
In 2006, CAT was the mecca of everything MBA. With unsuccessful attempts, the only option to find the way forward was to look at GMAT and colleges in the US. Like any other academically average student – that’s exactly what I did.
I got admitted for 3 colleges in the US and I was all set; Except Student VISA. I never thought that there could be “Unknown Barriers” too.
I was denied VISA Twice in a span of 3 weeks on the grounds of the potential immigrants. This rejection should have shattered my dreams; but, it didn’t.
My third visit was a life-changing one. I was waiting for my rollcall. At this very moment, I could hear loud-n-clear noise of silence. And, somewhere down there, I was fighting a war between my Heart and Mind. Heart says, stay positive, stay calm and All’s well.
While this struggle of whom I should be listening to between the war of Heart and Mind; I was actually making up my mind to start something in India soon rather than regretting my VISA denial for the third time.
In fact, just before facing the officer who was deciding People fete by either “Handing Over Passport Back” or “Saying, have a nice stay” – I was clear what I wanted to do – I was really hoping to get my Passport back over the window.
As expected, I was denied VISA and my immediate response was
“Thank you very much, Officer. If you would have granted me a VISA for my studies, I would have been a confused soul – A position that I hate to be in”
This was the moment where I rejected rejections before rejections could consider rejecting me. Soon, after this, I was all set to take the next leap – Start a first-ever Entrepreneurial Journey. And, courtesy my business ventures – I did visit the US to do business and to set up a shop there.
Every journey is unique.
What makes journeys unique is the people around you. Every journey involves journeys of others around you. And, like an Entrepreneur, I realized, that not knowing destination was not such a bad thing.
You take control of your own destiny – Not all barriers need to be broken.
You start any journey with an intent to complete it. Your only Navigator in your journey is your determination to surpass the next milestone.
As the journey progressed, I figured out that I knew nothing about this journey at the beginning. The barrier of aptitude is a far stronger barrier than the barrier of attitude. Breaking this barrier is hard. Remember, you are never lost. You can always walk back home to the family. In life, nothing else matters much.
Acceptance of Barriers to be not broken isn’t that as bad as it sounds. Barrier too offers you opportunities in life.
In 2012, when my business partner and I started an irrationally rational business, 366Pi, we sat down to establish what every founder does. Build a mission and vision statement for the business. We slept over the mission and vision for a week. Even caffeine shots from CCD, Kanke couldn’t rescue us much. We looked at each one of our lives and looked at the visible horizon to figure out “What stops us doing what we ultimately want to do?”. We both had a common vision – have a peaceful life. But, at Ranchi. A place where we were both friends, neighbors and now a business partner.
Less than 2% of my school friends live in Ranchi. And, most of them call Ranchi their Hometown. It’s true that when you have lived in metro-global cities, you establish ease of access to opportunities. And, it’s natural for all us to move to cities to get closer to opportunities. Our love for Ranchi was that barrier. And, family, memories of childhood and great culture of this place just reinforce the barrier for Ranchi. For us to keep Ranchi as the core of our business operations and build something meaningful in the constraints available is turning out to be a well-thought laid out plan.
Thanks to our Partners Fennex, Ranchi Mall and various teams in Dubai – we are now doing what we call “Parallel Entrepreneur” ism; i.e. building three startups in three different cities at the same time.
One of the major barriers to entrepreneurship is a fear of failure. It’s the power of stories and connects to people which uplifts the sense of collective responsibility.
A group of us started to meet at CCD, Kanke which eventually shaped as Jharkhand Open Coffee Club (JOCC). A name that was co-founded by all members in a very democratic process. This is a club where everyone is a founder.
Something interesting happened, the Open format – where everyone is founder of the club came with Ideas that needed to be backed by action. This created an opportunity for all of us as members to learn everything happening around us. The Ranchi being a small place suddenly started to look like a place filled with opportunities. People trying to make their Ideas work gave a sense of push to your own ideas. The best was when everyone – entrepreneurs, students, government officials, politicians, associations and everyone in between start to contribute to JOCC.
Typical 4 people, CCD meetup grew to 50+ meetup every 3rd Saturday.
As a community, we have a growing digital presence with more than 2000 members between our and Facebook group. And, very active 256 members on WhatsApp. 256 member barrier is of good kind ;-)
We have evolved and continue to evolve and grow as a community. As a self-organized, decentralized community – we reach consensus on actions faster than before.
Ranchi as the barrier was not bad after all. The barrier offered us an opportunity to make Life meaningfully better for more people around us. As a community, we came together to impact “Jharkhand State Startup Policy” and we are still one of many audible voices in the eco-system. The intent of making change by action is to let us grow. There hasn’t been a meetup till the day that we haven’t met at least one New Entrepreneur at the meetup.
JOCC let us break a barrier of the prevailing culture and infuse fresh energy of people into constructive discussion and action.
These meetups have led to us many successes one after another. There’s one success which let me feel really good about it. As JOCC, we collaborate to work with businesses, associations, NGOs, the Government of Jharkhand and US Consulate Kolkata.
There was a Pitch Event organized by JOCC where US Ambassador to India listened to pitches and he issued a letter from office; later on. This one letter after the visit of the US Ambassador to India brings back my entrepreneurial journey in one shot. The rejection of a VISA from the same office wasn't bad after all.
It re-affirms that rejecting rejections wasn’t a bad idea after all.
Romancing with the future isn’t hard.
We don’t have to wait for the Future to come to us. We just have to live our dreams. These dreams can be shared dreams or one of your originals. As a kid, these dreams where everywhere. We just have to pick one of those and start building our lives. It’s not the barrier but not having barriers in my life worries me.
When you learn to go past these barriers, you learn to continuously grow, evolve and contribute. We need to canalize and build bridges. Every good thing takes time, future included.
Tomorrow will be today’s reflections. And, eventually, everything works out well.
When you realize that Time is Free;
And, yet, Priceless
All you have is Time,
Or, None!
It’s a matter of time, we will break this barrier of Time.
Here's a video link for easy listening to the above script.
Author | AI and YOU: A Practical Guide to the Age of Artificial Intelligence | Narrative Designer | AI Meaning Architect |
5 年Great going
Awesome Amitesh, keep going!!
Independent freelancer
5 年The last line on Time was the lasting punch
Co-founder @ AntWalk | Build Capability Academies to achieve Strategic Objectives | Podcast Host - The Human Quotient in the age of AI
5 年You are on a wonderful journey .... keep walking.?
This is wonderful. We all knew that innovation is not bound by locations. But it is great to know that even recognition of that innovation is no more limited in its reach...Wonderful stuff...