Reinventing your business model - 6 key steps

Reinventing your business model - 6 key steps

Are you reinventing your business model for a world with a future? As Syntropic Changemakers, we need to reinvent everything, including how we create and design businesses.

A traditional business model includes who the client is, what is our marketing strategy, how we make money, who are our major stakeholders, what we do, and what it costs.

Yet anything enduring needs to start in the future we aspire to create through our business and enterprising. And to create a better future, we need to know the hard, difficult-to-confront truth of our past - how we got here.

Here is how we have reinvented the business model in Syntropic World.

1. What is the purpose of our business, our work, the effort we pour into our business day in and day out? What will be happening in the world if we achieve our purpose? How will we know we have been successful? In Syntropic World we call this the Evolutionary Purpose.

Without this direction, which includes physically looking up and out to a horizon, then we are spinning wheels. It would be like jumping in a car in the morning and driving nowhere, or anywhere, for no reason.

2. Know the past. What models, frameworks, and operating systems from our past to today have made us desire a different future?

This Evolutionary Purpose will emerge from the field of our existing reality, which was created by our past.

For example, if you are creating a new form of currency, perhaps using cryptography, do you understand our existing monetary system? Do you know it well, understand it, and know is weaknesses, strengths and extractive, exploitative components? If you seek to end Climate breakdown, do you know the substrate of the system that has Climate be a side-effect? Do you know the tools of capitalism and its Pattern Integrity? Are you aware of the terrible entanglement of colonisation and climate?

In Syntropic World we present the powerful Awakenings Workshop, led by Cindy Forde, to allow people to confront the past - the place the Source Idea that seeded Climate breakdown, egregious economic disparity, warring, racism, white supremacy, oligarchy, environmental degradation…began. Know the root of the problem you seek to change.

3. Source Idea. But purpose alone is not enough. The purpose of going to London is a beginning. But now we need to know the idea that will get us there. This second element, the Source Idea, gives the purpose an anchor point. Idea! We will build a boat to get to London and learn to sail. The Source Idea at its inception is ephemeral. You, people and things need to bring it into form to transmute from a Source Idea to something.

4. Pattern Integrity. We also need to know the principles and elements of our idea that make it unique, principles that cannot be violated under any circumstance. If they are violated, your purpose and Source Idea are violated. Just as if you violate one of the core principles of your life. In Syntropic World, these principles are called the Pattern Integrity. They are integral to the Source Idea, just as your Pattern Integrity is integral to you. Not separate.

These three elements create what we call the Vector of Power. A clear purpose, the Source Idea and its inviolate principles. Now we have established a clear direction. (The Get Your Vector of Power On Workshop Intensive is a rigorous group process to establish your Evolutionary Purpose, Source Idea and Pattern Integrity. = the direction you are going with a compelling why)

The Vector of Power takes what you are doing and why you are doing it and turns it from vague to specific, and in the process, you and your work become a transmission.

5. Go to the Future. Only now can we begin to design the HOW to transform the Source Idea into form to achieve our Purpose.

And we do this by starting at the place where our purpose has been achieved.

In the future. What does this future look like when we have achieved our purpose? What is happening? How is it affecting people? Creatures? The Earth? Live in this future. Feel it. Taste it. Touch it. Be there. Know it.

Look back to today from this future where your purpose is alive and flourishing.

How did you get here to this future? What was the next step you took? What did you learn? What did you have to overcome? What would your future self tell you? What were the key milestones? How did you avoid incentivising the wrong things? How did you live the Pattern Integrity in all things? What did you do that ensured you were the model in all things, all ways of being and doing things? What did your Source Idea need from you that first day, that first year?

6. Build the Spaceship. Now, only now, come back to today, answering these questions from the future knowing.

We have established the why by establishing our Purpose. Now, we need to build the spaceship to get us safely to our purpose.

Building the Spaceship is the Syntropic World version of a business model. We need a vessel that will get us safely to our purpose, one that creates an ecology of synergy, where the team on the spaceship are synergistic and the leaders are stewards, where our health and well-being are held as primary and where we are both agentic participants and working in community.

Here are some questions to ask.

Who do you serve?

Who helped?

Who hindered?

Who did you need to become?

Who is missing?

Who wants to play?

Who wants to know about you, but so far doesn’t?

How do you reach them?

How do you deliver on your promises?

How do you ensure you and your business are a living example of the future purpose today?

How do you live your Pattern Integrity?

How do you provision for the next step?

How do you ensure a whole systems, all-in-accounting consideration?

How do you build a synergistic team?

How do you bring people into the ecology of your business to ensure respect, safety, daring to care, self-management and responsibility? In Syntropic World - how do you educate people on the Trust Manifesto and Synergistic Audit?

What do they need?

What did you say yes to? No to?

What do you need to learn?

What is the very next step?

What are the costs? Not just in money? Include time, relationship, the future, the past, cultural, ethical, community? (We use the Synergistic Accounting tool)

What are the threshold-crossing agreements you need in place to establish ecologies of synergy and Trust? In Syntropic World we call that the Trust Manifesto.

What are you attending to?

What consumes your time?

What inspires you?

Where are they, the people who want your services?

Where do you operate or deliver your service or work?

Where are your greatest opportunities?

Where are the greatest risks?

When is the right time to take a bigger step? Or this next step?

When do you need to step aside?

When do you step back?

Building a Syntropic Business Model takes time. But we are in the Syntropic Cathedral building business, creating art that endures and is called a business.

Anything worth doing well is worth taking the time to do well.

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