Reinventing You by Dorie Clark Conclusion
Epilogue - Last words from the author Dorie Clark
The last chapter is a short recap of our journey together in reinventing ourselves and helping us rebrand our reputation. For those who have joined late to this 12 series discussion, here is the book I'm reference - Reinventing You. This series I went through also helped me with my rebranding as well as an experiment. I wanted to see if I could bring a few people along to read at least 1 book a year. Based on a few people's comments and personal messages, I have helped people read 1 book this year.
I also wanted to work on my mentoring facet as part of my branding. My conclusion is that this series is successful as I was blessed with the opportunity to mentor 3 different people in the course of this 6 month series. What did surprise me is how I tapped into my futurist aspect of my brand. In the past 2 to 3 months, I have been seeing more and more sessions on branding, social media reputation and reinventing yourself. As people are starting to kick off their rebranding process and looking for training material, my six months series is completed and readily available to all of them to embark on their journey, at their pace.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who joined me in our exploration of Reinventing You to see if was worth the effort. I will be taking the rest of the month off as I prepare for a new series kicking off in June. For those who want to join me in the next series, please pick up the book Have a Nice Conflict by Tim Scudder, Kent Mitchell, and Michael Patterson. I will pick up the pace and run this series a chapter a week. The goal is to have your first chapter read before June 7th, 2021. I hope this new book will help those who struggle with conflict. I used to be one who would run away from conflict. Now I meet it head on. I hope to learn new ways to handle conflict through this new series. Won't that be exciting? Hope to see you all in June!