Reinventing my professional self
I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.
Albert Einstein
So, along many years now, I've been improving CAD Standards. The last ones became very different:
A new approach towards CAD Environments - that create default CAD Standard compliant data in the 1st place - evolved and improved till the 5th Generation.
COVID19 caused different daily routines and became one my best sales entities. Sounds odd? not really: selling Live Online Training was hard before covid19 and now, there is no need to explain about the advantages of eLearning, Online Sessions, etc.
In this reality, I decided that time has come for "Paying it Forward" and it's but natural for me to sell a new and very different kind of Tool set:
Read more about this HERE
See You Online,
Danny Korem from | "Distilling Exactly the CAD Knowledge of Your Needs