Reinventing Campus Hiring in the Era of Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe is perhaps going to be recorded in history as the most impactful and consequential event of this century. It has stretched the capacities of governance, public health infrastructure and social administration of affected nations to their limits. At the same time, the lockdown enforced to prevent the spread has brought economies to the ground and jeopardize the job prospects of many. With unemployment soaring during these tough times, recent graduates waiting in the wings and looking for their first job feel marooned.

The Business Standard and the Economic Times reported that a lot of organizations have revoked its job offers to a lot of students; However, Praxis on other hand welcomed each of the students with open heart and promised compensations at the campus.

We had to shut down the in-person recruiting operations on campuses in light of Covid-19. However, continued the placement season amidst lockdown with Video Campus Tours, Pre-Placement Talks and interview process via online platforms. We made sure to make our process digitalized to succeed while business climate is changing.

With the evolving needs of customers and employees, rearranging work and having employees respond to such times was important. This shift had let us as talent acquisition leaders in crisis mode; uncertain on how we will fill our early talent pipeline, and to make adjustment in recruiting strategies for the remainder of the year. So, below key points have made us successful in our campus recruitment this year.

·        Personalized proactive outreach became dominant. Regardless of how uncertain students are about the future, they want to stay connected with employers. We have made sure to make upcoming Joinees the part of Praxians from day they have accepted offers with us like sending newsletters, industry trends and inviting them to leadership talks.

·        Students’ location preferences have remained the same, but they are more open to gig work. We have hired many students/experienced folks on contractual/internship role with us.

·        Students are quickly switching to digital recruiting and are looking for support from their universities and connection with employers. We have digitalised our recruitment process by using platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom eradicating other logistical expenses at our end.

·        Simple gestures can go a long way in communicating with candidates during these unprecedented times. By hosting a virtual event, companies can engage qualified early talent through “behind-the-scenes” look into their culture, employee panel, or info session.

In current situation, an employer’ digital brand is considered even more impactful than before. It’s critical for us to put our best foot forward, whether that’s by refreshing our company page to include response to COVID-19, enabling a dynamic employer brand, or highlighting our corporate culture through a virtual event.

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