Reinvent Yourself !!

“Don't live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”

― Germany Kent

During these Tough Times, Keep all the Uncertainty and Negativity aside! Here are some highlights from the Must read books:

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This book explains the 7 principles, that make us more effective personally and professionally. Stephen Covey shows how a principle-centered, a character-based life helps us to build healthy relationships that are key to an effective life. This classic is well worth reading for its perspective and practical advice.

Brian Tracy gives simple suggestions for prioritising tasks and maximizing your productivity. Eat That Frog! refers to completing the Biggest task you may have on your plate on any given day. If you complete the Biggest/Toughest Task in the morning when you are most energetic and before anything else distracts you. Almost every other task would seem easy throughout the day.

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Plan every day in advance by deciding on what we want. 20% of our tasks give 80% of our results and these are the tasks we usually procrastinate the most on. Consider the consequences of not completing these tasks. Always prioritize the tasks, start with the most important task. Focus on the results impact. Always do the most important things first

Start with why- How great leaders inspire action!

The 3 Golden Circles of why, how, and what. Everybody knows what they do, some know how they do, very few people know why they do what they do. The Circles give people the ability to communicate why we are doing certain things, helps individuals and organisations take better decisions. People accept the products and ideas they Believe in.

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This is how Simon Sinek broke down how the “what how why” into examples with a purpose why you do things. So remember making sure you believe in the things you do, will make you go further and achieve in life.

Taken altogether, these books give the tools to turn our life around for good or help in taking us to the next level. It is not just about learning tools to boost our efficiency, but also about discovering what we do best and then prioritizing to the best of our ability.

These books are recommended for readers looking for a few simple but effective tips to maximize their productivity, which may contribute to both Professional and Personal growth.


