Reinvent Education? In the post COVID-19 era.
Debesh Choudhury, PhD
Information Security Researcher, Academician, Entrepreneur | Password & Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Blockchains, Digital Identity, Biometrics Limit | 3D Education | Writer | Linux Trainer | Podcast Host
Have we ever thought to reinvent education and the educational platforms before? Indeed a lot of works have been carried out in the direction of educational reforms. But the current Coronavirus pandemic forces the whole planet to reinvent the entire educational system. It won't be a sudden disruption but a quasi-spontaneous educational evolution. We need to carefully plant the seeds of neo-education. The neo-educational plants will come out and grow slowly afterwards.
A neo-educational system won't happen like a sudden outbreak of infectious disease
The neo-educational system can't be setup instantly, because the requirements are not fully understood. We need a remote learning model to combat spreading of infectious disease such as COVID-19. But we all understand that remote-only learning is not as effective as face-to-face learning. It is almost clear that the neo-educational system should involve a hybrid system of education with both face-to-face learning as well as remote and online learning.
A slow and quasi-spontaneous educational evolution is required
We need to first visualize the newness in the future neo-educational system. What are the major requirements of the new educational system? The new educational system should be flexible but must satisfy the basic learning objectives. It can involve a blend of face-to-face learning plus online remote learning modules. It should also be sustainable. The number of weekly days of face-to-face learning at the onsite schools may be reduced. The school days may be reduced to three days a week, and the rest of the days the students may study at their respective homes. No doubt computational devices and Internet would play pivotal roles. There may be many constructive options.
The educational experts should brainstorm to evolve into an effective yet sustainable plan
The schooling boards may permit flexible educational curricula. Schools should be given the freedom of choice whether to test the new course of study or stick to the traditional system. This will empower the boards for open schooling around the globe. The knowledge acquired by the "home schooling" communities in the K-12 level would be very useful.
Will the neo-educational system be tested also for college and higher education?
Primarily, the neo-educational system maybe tested mostly in the K-12 levels. Will it be right to think about a flexible and hybrid face-to-face learning and online remote learning into college and university systems? This is a tough question. But the COVID-19 pandemic is teaching a hard lesson on educational systems and platforms. So it is always better to have a plan for a new and improved educational system at all levels.
The future of education won't be the same
Whether we get a reliable medicine and vaccine for COVID-19 or not, it is sure that the traditional educational system asks for significant changes. The changes must be in the positive side. The new educational system must help the students and the teachers to engage in synergistic teaching-learning processes. The new window of education must widen its scopes not only in the educational bands but also in terms of translating the outcomes into successful entrepreneurship.
Don't you think COVID-19 crisis would teach us many new things in education?
Nobody can guess how long the world has to maintain "physical distancing" to combat spreading of COVID-19 pandemic. We must learn fast and get prepared for the future. I would love to get your views and suggestions. If you like this article, please click "Like" or any other LinkedIn "reactions", and "Share" it among your acquaintances and network.
PS: By education I include K-12 school, college and university education.
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I am a researcher and academician of electronics and applied photonics. My current research focuses on Privacy Protected Digital Identity. My friend Jose Munoz Mata and I are researching distributed ledger technology for decentralized digital identity and other real world applications. We are also open to help you include entrepreneurship education into K-12 as well as university curricula. Join our group EmploySelf and follow our LinkedIn pages EmploySelf & Learning Times for more information.
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Text Copyright ? 2020 Debesh Choudhury— All Rights Reserved
#education #onlinelearning #remotelearning #highereducation #collegesanduniversities #covid19 #world #india #learningtimes #josemunozmata #debeshchoudhury
Forensic Data Analyst at SovereignPulse (incorporating SovereignVision & Pulse Data)
4 年Thank you for raising this topic, Debesh Choudhury, PhD. A wise friend of mine once told me (as I can best remember it): "Education is a gymnasium for the mind. In a physical gymanasium, strength, endurance, and stamina are enhanced as vital components of a healthy life. In the gymnasium of academia, intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and mental agility are nurtured and developed to help negotiate the challenges of an increasingly complex world in which processing information and arriving at rational conclusions are as vital to wellbeing as good health." The challenges to education in a Covid-19 world fit the above template. Far sighted operators in the field of driverless vehicles and unmanned delivery systems are taking advantage of our empty streets and uncrowded sidewalks to enhance testing and refine their technologies. Empty fitness centers are breeding further innovations in effective home-based exercise incentivized by online/onscreen multi-participant sessions. Our empty schools should give similar impetus to innovations in #edtech, #onlinelearning, #distancelearning, #remotelearning, that navigate effectively around the attendant issues of digital truancy, impersonation, plagiarism, authentication, etc.
Information Security Researcher, Academician, Entrepreneur | Password & Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Blockchains, Digital Identity, Biometrics Limit | 3D Education | Writer | Linux Trainer | Podcast Host
4 年The world of #education must include a #wellbeing #philosophy "that leads to an expansion of human potential". Thanks Deb Helfrich #DeeperWithDeb
Using my proven knowledge/expertise in Administration to the advantage of a Great Employer. Unfluencer??
4 年Distance learning will require a lot more discipline, not just for the student but teacher as well. More and alternative teaching materials will be required as some training materials will work better than others in some cases. Plus you can't expect kids to throw the chalk at themselves ????????
Retires Scientist G & Scientist In charge MERADO Ludhiana CSIR / CMERI and Ex Commander (Indian Navy)
4 年I foresee new trend continuing for PG and beyond & for select UG courses only. Online courses call for volunteer learner . Unfortunately we need to pump the lesson where as it should be like food demanded