By Salvador Leong Brioso Jr
Being alone, without companionship, can often lead to a state of confusion. This perplexing situation can create a cyclical experience akin to a roller coaster, characterized by erratic fluctuations in both thoughts and emotions. Such instability can swiftly alter one’s perspective, leading to a disorientation that obscures previous reflections upon self. The scripture from Colossians 1:14 states, "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins," which refers to our Lord Jesus Christ, who provided His life as a living sacrifice for our redemption.
In a state of confusion, one may find themselves in a position of uncertainty regarding their direction in life, which necessitates the acceptance of our vulnerabilities and the acknowledgment of our reliance on God. This recognition is critical for seeking forgiveness for our transgressions and sustaining that awareness over time. Our Lord Jesus chose to remain silent during immense suffering, His blood shed along the path as He bore the cross toward His destined location—His crucifixion on a hill, symbolizing profound sorrow. His sacrifice has brought salvation to many and serves as a pathway to recovery and absolution of our offenses.
Good evening, and God bless.