Reinforce information with handouts

Reinforce information with handouts

All presentations have a time limit, and some topics are not well served within those time constraints. Handouts that audience members can take home and re-read or go over again can help to reinforce your content, keep you top of mind and give your audience a more rich experience.

However, you need to be careful. This type of handout needs to be well designed both in content and in visual appeal. The design should entice your audience member to want to engage with the content and the content needs to be presented in a way that is congruent with your presentation and makes your content easily accessible … without you there to answer questions.

This type of handout is usually distributed after your presentation. People who were engaged and interested in your topic and talk will take it home and more than likely actually use it.

Types of Handout

Here are some ideas of what kinds of information you can include in this type of handout.

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