Reindeer in 4 different ways
Last week I wrote an article about traditional Finnish foods and I got some questions about the dishes, especially reindeer. Yes, reindeer is used for other purposes then pulling Santa’s sled. In the northern parts of Finland Reindeer is a vital part of the people’s life. Reindeer are kept as semi-domesticated cattle and grown for their meat, hides and antlers. In this article I want to share 4 ways how to enjoy reindeer meat.
1. Sautéed
As mentioned in my previous post this is the most traditional way to cook reindeer meat. Reindeer meat sliced thinly, is fried in fat and seasoned with salt & pepper and cooked in beer or cream so it becomes tender. Sautéed reindeer is served with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam.
2. Dried
Heavily salted and then dried hanging on the wall. I usually say that it’s like having reindeer prosciutto. My personal favorite!
3. Minced
Makes an interesting meatloaf or meatballs. Add some fatty meat together with the reindeer, because it’s very lean meat.
4. Steak
Make delicious steaks from different parts of the reindeer. Serve the steaks with potatoes, vegetables, lingonberry and cranberry sauce.
So this was 4 ideas on how to eat reindeer meat. If you tried reindeer meat let me know what you thought about it! If you haven’t tried, would you like to try it? You can send me a message here on Linkedin or at [email protected].
Your engagement is highly appreciated.