Reimagining SWOT Analysis: A Paradigm Shift
Phil Wilton MBA
Identify the risks, challenges, and opportunities of your products or services. Simple conversations reveal the golden nuggets that empower you to navigate a smoother change. All we need are one-on-one key conversations
Welcome to our sixth and final newsletter in our series of “Looking Back, To Go To The Future” (LinkedIn Newsletter Nov17-23) where I proposed that you shift your perspective to what could be the defining moments that shape your future business. In this newsletter, we delve into the transformative concept of a SWOT analysis re-imagined, taking it beyond the conventional boundaries to offer you a fresh or different perspective on your business and strategic planning.
Reimagining SWOT Analysis: A Paradigm Shift
Traditional SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) has been a cornerstone of strategic planning success for Executives Outcomes approach to business strategy. Because this is an ever-changing world, managing a dynamic business environment, will require a more agile and forward-thinking approach. Here Executives Outcomes will look at a “SWOT Analysis Reimagined”, a possible paradigm shift that embraces change and uncertainty, in which you will definitely need to read and review the previous five newsletters to be able to comprehend that shift; and your perspectives of it.
Subjects like sustainability - a possible strength, carbon footprint - a possible weakness, a circular economy - a possible opportunity and global warming - a possible threat, probably will have impacts on your future business. Building on the “Looking Back, To Go To The Future” (LI newsletter Nov17-23), I offer some additional ideas on how to identify and action plan the S, the W, the O and the T categories.
Strengths - Building on Core Competencies
Rather than just simply identifying your organizations strengths today, look at how those strengths may play out in the future. What market and cultural sifts are likely to manifest that could add value too, or impact your strengths as you travel to the future? How can you build sustainability strengths, and leverage these competencies in innovative ways? By focusing on your unique organizational strengths and their effects on the future, you position yourself not just to survive, but to thrive in a rapidly evolving market.
Weaknesses - Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
in the realms of a SWOT Analysis Reimagined, you could view weaknesses as untapped potential. You could designate a Red Team (see LI newsletter “Instigate a Red Team” Dec8-23) to challenge and make assumptions that may disrupt the possible outcomes of a future norm. For example, how could your organization mitigate its carbon footprint. Can you turn this, or other weaknesses, into opportunities or even strengths? By addressing and transforming these challenges head-on, you pave the way for growth and resilience.
Opportunities - Embracing Change and Innovation
In this fast-paced global business landscape, opportunities can arise not just from market trends, but also from disruptive innovations and/or demographic preferences. A reimagined approach encourages you to not only identify existing opportunities, but to foster a culture of innovation within your organization. What innovative ideas would possibly arise from instigating a circular economy? What organizational needs will be required to change this opportunity to a strength or indeed, a competitive advantage? To be a trailblazer in your industry, you need to seize opportunities that lie beyond the obvious. That’s innovation.
Threats - Anticipating and Adapting to Change
Threats are inevitable, and while you cannot, per se, change laws, you may be able to anticipate and adapt, or mitigate them. You may be able to reimagine rules and regulations. For example, Health and Safety Laws may be a legal hinderance, but it can also be a strength, if your team markets health and safety as a value. The key lies in your organizations ability to anticipate and adapt. Here you could also use Chaos Theory (see LI newsletter, “Threads of Chaos” Dec15-23). Global warming is going to be a threat that you will need to reimagine. Equip your organization with the tools to not only identify these threats, but also to proactively mitigate the risks that they may project. By staying ahead of the curve, your position and your whole organization can navigate challenges with resilience and agility.
Putting SWOT Analysis Reimagined, into Action
To help you implement this futuristic reimagined approach, Executives Outcomes has released this “Looking Back, To Go To The Future” series to give you positive guidance. Executives Outcomes can also offer you a complementary discussion session on preparations for your business’s future, that includes a practical framework, maybe we can case study your organizations agility or innovative ideas, centered on our expert insights from our successful clients and business experiences. Executives Outcomes can also be part of your Red-Team or Chaos-team. Visit our website [] or click on the links below, to access our resources that will empower your team to embrace change and turn your future into a competitive advantage.
I’m Phil Wilton, your Executives Outcomes are my business, because your executive decisions, and your outcomes are just as important to me, as they are to your business’s success.