Reimagining the Cassette: How New Zealand’s Data Centre 220 Boosted Cable Capacity Without Splicing, Outside Support

Reimagining the Cassette: How New Zealand’s Data Centre 220 Boosted Cable Capacity Without Splicing, Outside Support

As Data Centre 220 (DC220) is a colocation facility, the need to expand and adapt for customer deployments is ever ongoing. The most recent demand was from a customer looking for a high-capacity connection and as such, the loss budget had to be kept to a minimum. The path for the customer was from the basement, through a Meet-Me-Room to a data hall on the second floor of its 12-story commercial building. The fiber connectivity path was 80 Meters (approx 260 ft) via a near capacity cable route. This particular combination of variables led DC220 on a quest to find a solution it could deploy quickly with limited labor overhead, that still took into consideration the aforementioned requirement for low optical loss.

Fortunately, for DC220, an optimal alternative to legacy options existed in the form of Legrand’s Infinium acclAIM?fiber cabling solution. Learn how DC220 was able to leverage the direct-mating benefits of Legrand's Infinium acclAIM solution in this case study.

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