Reimagine the US Southern Border - It's Where The "American Dream" Can Flourish - We All Benefit
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Reimagine the US Southern Border - It's Where The "American Dream" Can Flourish - We All Benefit

Mr. President, Madam VP, Secretary Blinken; and Members of the US Congress,

The much maligned US - Mexican southern border is an opportunity for all. We just need to change our perspective.

Yes, we need secured borders. Yes, there are undesirable individuals attempting to and illegally crossing the border. This is why we have border controls and personnel to mitigate these conditions. Stop saying the "border" and the "immigration system is broken" – spend the time fixing the problems.

Yes, immigrants wishing to come to America, for economic and humanitarian reasons (asylum seekers), warrant an opportunity to have a chance at a better life. But they must follow the law and we must have just and compassionate laws. America needs immigrants to prosper – let's show our compassion for the "foreigners" that want to be just like us. After all, it was due to the talent and determination of maps immigrants that American became the economic engine and envy of the world.

No, immigrants are not "poisoning the blood of our nation." No, immigrants are not "vermin." Yes, some are criminal and people who belong in jails not in our neighborhoods. It's our home, it's our rules. Can't follow them, don't let the door hit them on the way out. But, no, they are not all criminals. Most add to the diversity, intellectual, and economic progress of our nation. They make our nation "exceptional."

The Mexican – US border need not be an imminent danger to the sovereignty and the peace and prosperity of the United States – or Mexico, for that matter. Rather than spending billions on walls that don't work – the Great China Wall never stopped invaders – if reimagined properly, this part of the world can be a magnet for international commerce, unprecedented growth, prosperity for both sides of the border and a bonanza second to none. Make the southern border an international economic zone – tax and tariff-free; and "worker-friendly."

Here's a proposed framework and principles – a work in progress.


Millions of economically and socially challenges; undocumented individuals – men, women, and children – seeking to escape poverty, deplorable living conditions, economic exploitation, crime, etc. They all seek what we want: an opportunity at a better life. They want better futures for themselves and their family. They are willing to work for it. Let's hire them. Empower them. Pay them. Lift them up so that we can all prospers from their labor, strengths, and energy.

Welcome, not disparage them.


A solution – simple economics – "supply and demand."

Economies in Northern, Central and Southern America need commerce and free and fair trade to prospers and expand. Consumers on the continent and the globe have an insatiable appetite for products. Entrepreneurs and corporations need the human capital and technological know-how to make products for markets – at fair prices and at profitable margins. There is an ample workforce just waiting for a chance at making a proper living wage under humane conditions. There is plenty of barren land just waiting to be developed – transformed into valuable real estate.

Governments should incentivize entrepreneurs with any and all tools in their toolbox to attract legitimate, green, and blue industries. Eliminate corporate taxes for 25 years and then imposed them at a reasonable pace. Praise ingenuity not tax it to death and frighten investors. Incentivize jobs that lead to careers, which in turn, support strong families and give individuals a future – an alternative to a life of crime and criminals. Put "coyotes" and drug dealers out of work and squash profitable, corrupt, untaxed, and illegal enterprises. Build stable communities that result in stable democracies.

So, governments and corporations should invest in true public – private partnerships and build - factories, research and development facilities, warehouses, homes, schools, universities, shops, civic centers, houses of worship, vibrant communities, etc. and provide for a fairly compensated and well treated and healthy workforce. Allow a workforce, now empowered, to let them build equity in their new and owned homes, accrue savings and set money aside for retirement. Maximize the human potential that there and waiting to be tapped.

Governments from where these immigrants herald from have the most to benefit from this initiative. They should also have an active role in helping to improve conditions to incentivize their citizens to return home. These citizens are their responsibility, after all. Give law abiding citizens a fair chance at making a life for themselves and determine their destiny - either north or south of the border. Let's give good people a fair chance. Stop discriminating, insulting, and criminalizing people who just want a shot at opportunity.

We do so, and we decrease the need for people – proud of their cultures and ambitious – to risk their lives and abandon places they know best, and families they love – a place most of us are fortunate to have and call home.

This week, when the US Congress returns to discuss how to "fix the border," pay for more initiatives that have at best, barely serviced the needs of immigrants and the border communities, give this construct serious consideration. The immediate cost for this concept: political will. The long-term benefit – less expensive products for American consumers, retaking control of our border and truly making America a land that it committed to human rights.

Let's maximize our return on investment – invest in people. Bet on a brighter and more prosperous future.

It's a win-win for all – on both sides of the border.



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