Reiki Energy Healing
Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff
Award-winning entrepreneur | host of Real Talk Real Women podcast/broadcast with 2.6 MILLION DOWNLOADS in 16 months | I help women entrepreneurs make progress in their lives mentally, emotionally, and financially.
Do you know what Reiki is and what it is not?
Reiki is the Life Force Energy that is channeled directly from God/Light/Source through the Reiki therapist/healer/practitioner/master to you, no matter who you are. You can be a human being, an animal, a plant, a business, money, project, or anything else, it doesn't matter. What matters is that when you receive the Reiki Energy Healing, it goes right where it needs to go, you being aware of it OR NOT! you, telling me what you need, OR NOT!
Reiki IS NOT a religion. Reiki IS NOT dangerous. Reiki IS NOT a woo-woo thing. Reiki doesn't care if you believe in a higher force or not. Reiki doesn't care if you feel you need it or not, it still works.
Reiki is one certain vibration of energy healing. There are plenty of other energy healing vibrations out there.
Reiki has a mind of its own, as it is the Life Force Energy channeled directly from GOD (we speak about the LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE energy that is everywhere, believe it or not).
When you receive REIKI ENERGY HEALING, you feel good, loved, cared for. You might feel some tingling here and there, or some warmth or some chills. You might start to release blocked emotions and start to weep, which is totally ok. You might start to laugh and release all this energy that was waiting to exult. You might fall asleep because of the need of your body to allow Reiki to work within you at a deeper level, without your conscious mind messing around.
Reiki promotes a deep relaxation and allows you to release and let go. When you allow that to happen, you hasten your manifestation into your life experience.
Reiki Energy Healing is 100% harmless. There is no way to harm you in any way. The worst that can happen? You are not open to receiving, and you do not feel anything, and nothing happens. In fact, the Reiki Energy Healing is going to go around you - when you do not allow it to go through you and give you its loving and caring feeling - and will heal someone or something else around you who is ready to receive.
I invite you to schedule your free 15min of Reiki, distant or hands-on (You might even be in orbit around the Moon - it would still work perfectly!) with me now at and experience it for yourself.
I can't wait to hear your emotions, to hear your journey, to hear about your feelings, because Energy is all about feeling.
When you feel your way to manifestation, it rushes in your life experience.
I wish you plenty of Blessings, Love, Peace, and Reiki
Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff, +1 805 380 6970 (text or call, it's Google Voice)