Reignite the Fire in You - Let's Celebrate Life
Kirti Mutreja
Women Entrepreneur | NLP Practitioner |Leadership Coach | Behavioural Trainer | Social Intelligence Facilitator| Design Thinking Practitioner| Women Leader Award for Training and Coaching India|
“Challenge the limits that limit you to seeing only challenges”.
We at times come so farther in our lives that we forget to revisit our past either to derive the learning or to be grateful for the memories that still have the power to let our tears roll down our cheeks and get our fulgent eyes glowing as a dazzling razor sharp source of light .We often get so caught up with our daily chores that we forget to maintain the transparency with our own selves .We don’t recall what gets us in high spirits which could be as simple as getting drenched in the rains dancing with the stars at the countryside or as sporty as facing a lion and then roaring to compete with him to scare the life out of ourselves . We resist to acknowledge our deepest fears for the dread of losing our self worth or for a rationale of not appearing to be a fool in the city of the wise. We often conceal our true selves (our values, beliefs, our notions and our paradigms ) with the intent of fitting into someone else’s shoes.
None of us have perfect circumstances to lead a perfect life however we indeed can create an excellent life with some miniscule efforts .I don’t promise the journey would be easy but it indeed would be worth it .If you get scared of rejections ,if you at times feel like kicking the stone while strolling on the pitch dark road accusing yourself of all the shortcomings that you are latched on too, If you feel you don’t deserve a prolific lifestyle and you still want it. If you still feel to compete with your siblings and then start questioning your upbringing,If you feel that you have a dream that you would die for however there is something that stops you at nothing .If you have tremors across your nerves before delivering an enthralling presentation to the higher ups for the evasion of distress rejection hopelessness sadness then thankfully You Are HUMAN. However we need to tackle the apparent situations and deal with them and let them not get in our way of freedom and success. Are they really the behaviors that we display hamper our growth or is there anything else to be questioned?
They underlying roots of our sabotage behaviors which we struggle to change and then after massive start stop struggle there we get back to square one lies in our belief system .The problem isn’t the behavior that we portray .The real cause is the limiting belief that we have embraced knowingly unknowingly during our infancy. Memories are not stains to be washed off with detergent and a machine .Apparently the beliefs that we’ve withheld and nurtured so long are unhealed wounds that are bandaged and we no more feel the need to treat them. We remain happy by not letting them surface and hence we try to avoid situations, we cope with them rather than addressing and clearing them away.
We all have the right to lead a complete life. God didn’t make anyone of us a test project where amendments would be made later.
If you wish to live your life to the fullest here are a few things that we may consider to alter the face of being that we are living. Secrets unfold only when you are committed to get the change .A word of caution stop reading right away if you are just interested in living your dreams. Proceed further only if you our committed to work with the undercurrents and cruise through the sails.
Pen down your limiting beliefs: Capture all the emotions that you sense. Let them be with you for this last one time. They no more have a place in your life. You have made the choice of consciously overriding them.
Find the root cause or the origin of the belief that has anchored you and prevents you from living your life to the fullest .It would be some experience, a statement or an incident occurred during your imprint period which has been the reason for your dismay, anxiety and low self worth.
Review the experience – Re evaluate the experience from all perspectives and dimensions. Question yourself if the other person deliberately wanted to let you down embarrass you or was it just a mere act of babyhood. Forgive your parents and guardians if the baggage that you carry revolve around them .We do not have schools offering parenting as a diploma or a degree .Re consider all their intents and purposes. As an adult do you think they hold good ??? you If yes then you need to work on your area of opportunities Set Yourself in action right away . I f No then why worry. Reframe or reconstruct the entire incident from an adult’s outlook and relive it only to empower
Negate the belief Think of all the incidents that help you to NEGATE the belief that you’ve been nurturing for years together. .For instance If your limiting belief assures you that you are dumb, trust me you would be reading, relating comprehending and articulating all of this. Go down the memory lane where you feel you have surpassed all the rest and emerged as a winner or a superhero, charmed your schoolmates or team members, any act that you consider worthy of a pat on the back.
Write down an alternate empowering belief and prove it to yourself by reinforcing or reiterating the incidents that duly substantiate your say.
Learn to Pamper yourself-Our life orbits around our work career finances family and society. We get so engrossed living the life of everyone’s expectations that we forget to live the life of our own. Rather we just exist. We lose our identity, our dreams fade away, our hobbies take a back seat. Human beings crave for attention and expression. If you don’t pay attention to yourself who else would? We gift or donate only when we have excess .If you can’t love yourself how can you love someone else?How would love pour out of you superfluously when you indeed are deserted ?
Awaken the child in you. While walking the path of adulthood we often give up on the unadulterated innocence that used to ooze out as kids. When kids we never bothered about the skinned knees, the height of the table ,the number of falls that we faced before we relished the cookies placed on the top shelf of our kitchen. We deprive ourselves of the creativity, the inquisitiveness , the persistence of reaching your goals or the things that we set our heart out as we transform from kids to teens to erudite adults. We easily give up on our little girl dreams which we once cherished in the name of maturity, adaptability and compromises. We always wanted someone to hold our hand when we toppled and struggled to get up and even if there was none we still managed to rise up. We don’t wish to be lead now .Why do we give up so easily when obstacles and hurdles pull you down. Why don’t we bounce back with new valor and vigor?? Yes we indeed have killed the child in us.
Discover something in your life that you would die for; Your passion gives you the reason to wake up in the morning and embrace life with fresh zeal and enthusiasm. It’s the thought of it that keeps you up and running until the hours of darkness . Think about something that you always dreamed about however couldn’t gather the courage of breaking through the veils of monotony and pursuing it
Women Entrepreneur | NLP Practitioner |Leadership Coach | Behavioural Trainer | Social Intelligence Facilitator| Design Thinking Practitioner| Women Leader Award for Training and Coaching India|
7 年Thanks Rushabh