Dr. Sunil Singh
Founder & Editor-in-Chief @ HR TODAY | Global HR Journal, Mindstream Consulting, Happy Place To Work (HPTW)I Executive Coach l HR Transformation Expert l Author
In order to preserve any symbolic universe or sub-universe, outsiders have to be kept out and at the same time any special privileges or recognition granted by the outside society are retained. This is done through various techniques of intimidation, rational and irrational propaganda, mystification and, generally, the manipulation of prestige symbols. On the other hand, insiders have to be kept in - a task which requires an array of practical and theoretical procedures which check any temptation to escape from the sub-universe. However, the most effective methods are those which successfully represent the institutional order as a non-human, immutable facticity - the product of divine will or economic circumstances which dictate a certain course of action. This phenomenon is called reification. ("The Social Construction of Reality", Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann)
Reification is making something real, bringing something into being, or making something concrete. (