REIDA benchmark report

REIDA benchmark report

REIDA - Real Estate Investment Data Association, is a non-profit Swiss organization founded in 2010. Its goal: to continuously improve market data and market knowledge. REIDA offers a Switzerland-wide real estate data set based on property statements, transactions and contracts for #investment properties.

"Data delivery, data acquisition and membership are independent of each other," emphasizes the association, whose board currently consists of the following members:

President Alex Sch?rer, Profond Vorsorgeeinrichtung

Vice President Fredy Hasenmaile, Raiffeisen Switzerland

Hans Peter Egloff, VZI

Roland Füss, University of St.Gallen

Andreas Ingold, SVIT Schweiz

Marcel Konrad, Zürcher Kantonalbank

Andreas Loepfe, inREIM AG

Silvan Mohler, Schweizer Immobiliensch?tzer-Verband SIV

Marcin Paszkowski, CFA, UBS Fund Management

Stefan Sch?dle MRICS, BVK sowie

Marie Seiler MRICS, CFA, Pensimo Management AG

The management of the organization is in the hands of Rainer Artho.

In March 2024, REIDA published the standardized #Real Estate #Benchmark on CO2 emissions in the real estate #data pool for the second time. 22 companies with a total of around 60 portfolios took part in the 2023 implementation. The market value of the properties represented in the benchmark amounts to CHF 173.5 billion.

The REIDA benchmark now includes over 5,200 properties with a total of 28 million square meters of energy reference area. This means that almost two thirds (around 64%) of the real estate portfolio of institutional investors is subjected to REIDA benchmarking.

Lookthrough was able to support some of its institutional customers and partners with data maintenance and preparation for this benchmarking. icoon AG is responsible for data pooling at REIDA regarding the CO2 benchmark, while Meta-Sys AG is responsible for the data pooling inventory.

Below in the picture are the CO2e emission intensity and energy intensity key figures of the various real estate portfolios in the REIDA CO2 Benchmark Report 2023 according to usage focus or asset class.

By the way: We are looking forward to taking part in the REIDA event in Technopark Zurich again this year. This will take place on August 28, 2024 with around 300 real estate professionals and will again offer valuable conversations, discussions and insights into the current challenges of the real estate market. Registration is still possible at



