David Lifschultz
CEO @ Genoil Inc. | Quantum Leap Tech for CLEAN Liquid Transportation Fuel Production | A MACROenvironmental Climate Solution | Industry Large-Scale Tech Implementation to Enhance World Energy Security & Reduce Carbon
by David K. Lifschultz
By Russian Source:
Let me add some interesting point to what is going on with Merkel and attempt to create a new Reichstag incident as in 1933 today.
Some background.
As we know some days ago there was an attempt to hijack the Reichstag. The Intelligence services (BND) made a lot of arrests in Germany and other countries calling it a conspiracy to overthrow the German Government but only 23 people were arrested which can hardly be characterized as a revolution.
This particular incident has a lot in common with the Reichstag fire in 1933 but in that case the accused communists were charged but had their day in court and were allowed to explain themselves in the courtroom.??It very badly impacted the Weimar Republic which led directly to the Hitler dictatorship.?Here the new "King" and his comrades will not have their day in court as the US does not want the present obsequious German Government to be destroyed.?
In the 1949 there was a specific canceler’s pact for Germany where it was agreed that external forces (the US) will control the BND as was the case in Kosovo where the BND under CIA control set up the fake massacres forgetting to pour out the blood and place the used cartridges on the ground.??NATO controls the German Army and NATO is in turn controlled by the US.??Thus, Germany is merely a controlled vassal of the US.?It is taboo to discuss this in public in Germany, but everyone knows it.
Germany is now being set up by the US to lose most of its heavy and light industries which will move out.?Some to China and others to the US.?The US was concerned that Germany was becoming too powerful and created the Ukraine Crisis to severely damage its power.?It is a latter day Morgenthau Plan pinioned on Halford Mackinder by the Anglo-Saxons.?The last World War was to stop Germany and Japan from holding hands and this one was to stop Germany, Russia and China from holding hands.??We estimate that Germany will lose 30% to 60% of their national wealth and cease to be a factor in world affairs.
The old aristocrats and local allies goal was to hijack the Reichstag to bring the above issues to the German people's attention.??They never considered it possible that they could seize power with 23 participants.?It was to reveal the truth of how Germany is under US subjugation and facing total ruin.?That is the last thing the Anglo-Saxons want revealed.?So they will not be publicly tried because the expose could shake the German nation to its foundation.?They wanted to expose the Canceler's Pact and the 73 years of subjugation of the German Nation by the US.?The BND picked it up and launched a roundup of all participants.?It was ridiculous to call this a coup as there were so far only 23 people that they could arrest which is hardly sufficient to take over the German Nation (33 more are under investigation).
Even the plan to bring the issues up this way may be considered as naive or?childish though it reflects the possibility that things may go out of US control.?We believe that this will?definitely evolve and develop through other channels.?We wonder what was really behind Merkel's telling the Russians that she lied to them on the Minsk Agreements.??On the face of it this looks like she is trying to embarrass Putin but it actually is a greater embarrassment that Germany did not want peace, and since the US controls Germany, this is not what the US wants Germany to say.?Then Maria Zakharova responded.?There was no need for Merkel to make this admission.?I think that this is a settlement or deal in the works as the response was "too smart and clever" thus it had significant preliminary preparation.?This is a move by Merkel in line with the attempt of the Germans to restore sovereignty.
8 Dec, 2022 16:48
HomeRussia & FSU
Merkel’s ‘confession’ may be grounds for tribunal – Moscow The former chancellor gave evidence that the West had orchestrated hostilities in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry says.?Merkel’s ‘confession’ may be grounds for tribunal – Moscow.?Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova. ??Sputnik/Press Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry
A confession by former German chancellor Angela Merkel about the Minsk peace agreements could be used as evidence in a tribunal involving Western politicians responsible for provoking the Ukraine conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Thursday.?The deal, brokered by Germany and France, was supposed to be a roadmap for peace in the war-torn country. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that his country's current military offensive was prompted by the failure to implement the terms of the accords.?The former German leader admitted in an interview with Die Zeit on Wednesday that the actual purpose of the Minsk agreements was to give Ukraine time to prepare for a military confrontation with Russia.
“They talk a lot about legal assessments of what is happening around Ukraine, certain tribunals and so on in all sorts of ways,” Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a media briefing on Thursday. “But this is a specific reason for a tribunal.”
She claimed that Merkel’s comments were nothing short of the testimony of a person who had openly admitted that everything done between 2014 and 2015 was meant to “distract the international community from real issues, play for time, pump up the Kiev regime with weapons, and escalate the issue into a large-scale conflict,” Zakharova added.
She said Merkel’s statements “horrifyingly” reveal that the West uses “forgery as a method of action,” and resorts to “machinations, manipulation and all kinds of distortions of truth, law and rights imaginable.”?Merkel confirms Ukraine peace deal was a ploy.?Read more Merkel confirms Ukraine peace deal was a ploy.?The spokeswoman claimed that the West had known well in 2015, when it spent hours negotiating the second part of the Minsk accords, that it would never even attempt to fulfill any part of the agreements and would instead pump weapons into Kiev.
“They did not feel sorry for anyone: women, children, the civilian population of Donbass or the whole of Ukraine. They needed a conflict and they were ready for it back then, in 2015,” Zakharova said.
Earlier this month, a number of Western officials called for the creation of a special UN-backed court to investigate alleged war crimes committed by Russia during its ongoing military campaign in Ukraine.?The Kremlin has said the West has no legal or moral right to set up any courts to investigate or prosecute Russia over the conflict, which Moscow claims was ultimately provoked by the US and its allies.
The style of our Russian above source is similar to the Russian intel source below:
Footnote One:
Here is an intelligence analysis of the first Skripal with comments by a SVR source and MI6 source:
SVR source:
Dear David,
Thanks for the meeting today; useful and interesting!
I would like to add 3 arguments in support of my vision of the S. episode:
Looks like all was done to screen out States from that "landscape"... and neither in Germany nor in France it would have been easier to build up such an anti-Russian case as in Salisbury - on the eve of Russian most important Presidential elections, when S. practically was feeling very safe and forgotten by Russians generally and his ex-colleagues in particular...
By all means, official Russia specifically wouldn't even think of such "closure" of the S. case.... Too exotic, too complex, too unprofessional... BUT - just to the point in the other side's interests and no direct evidence (so far!) to US masterminding ... obedient Brits are sincerely shouting "down with Russia"!...
Kind regards
Dear David:
On Mackinder, only two countries have ever come close to “commanding the world”, namely Britain and America, and neither had any control over Eastern Europe and the ‘World Island’. The need to control and defend a large landmass is a weakness, not a strength – at least until someone is foolish enough to invade you (and then it is only a strength if your population remains loyal). The US has a large landmass, but it is protected by two oceans. Even so, it hasn’t been overly successful in preventing infiltration from the south.
The UK had nothing to do with the poisoning. The penny might not yet have dropped in Whitehall with regards to the imperative of cultivating a strong Russia now that we are leaving the EU, but everyone realizes that this is not a time for making more enemies. If MI6 had wanted to mount a false-flag op along the lines suggested, it would have been in France or Germany. There was no guarantee that the UK’s Nato allies would rally to its side because of an attack in Salisbury. It might just have been left out to dry (which would have given added strength to those in the UK still fighting against Brexit, on the grounds that it would have shown how isolated and weak the UK was without the EU), whereas if there’d been a ‘Russian’ attack on French or German soil, the UK could have immediately proven itself a loyal and useful ally despite leaving the EU (which is a point it is keen to make). I’m afraid you are looking in the wrong direction on this one.
Y (MI6`)
David Lifschultz
CEO and Chairman
The Lifschultz Organization
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