Regulatory Round-up: SEC penalties, T+1 testing, Hong Kong block trading, LIBOR alternatives and much more...
Welcome to our two-weekly Wednesday round-up of all the latest news in?#regulation?and?#compliance across the industry.
We bring you a comprehensive review of all the latest tweaks, updates, insights and actions taken by regulators, standard-setters and solutions providers around the world, all neatly sliced, diced and packaged up for you in an easy-to-consume article ready for reading. Stay up-to-date with crucial details and key?#policy?changes in our lead summary, PLUS get all the latest regulatory & compliance news and insights from the past month, all in one place. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe...
Lauren McAughtry, Managing Editor,?Best Execution
DIGEST THE BEST with the latest regulatory news from around the world over the past two weeks: including #broker fines from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission , Financial Conduct Authority value assessments of fund managers, Bank of England green bond reporting, a new appointment for National Stock Exchange of Australia ( Diona Rae, GAICD, CA ), the introduction of #blocktrading in #HongKong by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) , the cessation of #Euroyen #TIBOR, the influx of #hedgefunds to DIFC , new updates to ADGM 's #financial #regulatory #framework and much MUCH more...
MAKE SURE you're ahead of the game when it comes to the upcoming T+1 settlement change, as the #testing cycle for the May 28 deadline finally kicks off. We bring you insights from experts including James Pike from Taskize , Alex Knight of Baton Systems and Jesús S. Benito Naveira of SIX as to the key challenges firms need to prepare for when it comes to #posttrade and #settlement issues.
DON'T MISS the warnings from regulators around the potential problems with #LIBOR alternatives, now that the #benchmark #reference #rate has finally been phased out. In partnership with Liquidnet , we take a thorough look at the new tools - and the concerns and issues they bring.
"We all knew we needed an emperor who was properly clothed,” - Gary Gensler, SEC chair.
AND FINALLY, check out #HongKong's planned introduction of #blocktrading through its Stock Connect program. Offshore investors will be able to conduct block trades on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange through the Northbound trading of Stock Connect via 香港交易所 - a move welcomed by industry associations such as ASIFMA .
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