Regulations and 4 "operating systems"? of management

Regulations and 4 "operating systems" of management

"Proper regulation of the performance of work saves the company from looking for brilliant subordinates, and the leader from the need to turn into a cross between a parrot and a prison guard" (D. Fuller)

So, not all managers are aware of the need to use management documentation. The stereotype is triggered that the presence of documents in the company indicates its bureaucratization. However, the presence of management documents does not mean at all that the company has become bureaucratic.

Also, many managers, especially business owners, are accustomed to managing a grown company in the same way as in the early stages of its development. Then they wonder why organisational chaos reigns in the company. It should be understood that it is impossible to effectively manage a large team without using management documents as an additional tool.

There are also a number of psychological factors, "thanks" to which the staff resists the introduction of management documents: from maintaining their "uniqueness" to "smearing" responsibility - when no one is responsible for anything. Almost every company has such people. Sometimes there are many.

Management documents (Regulations) are a tool that makes adjustments to processes, allowing the manager to become more efficient. The regulations will not work for anyone, because they cannot - people work. It will just become easier, faster and cheaper to manage with the help of regulations. As a result, there is an increase in the accuracy of the corporate governance system, a decrease in personal dependence, as well as a decrease in the level of uncertainty.

Let's see how the regulations differ depending on the applied "operating system" of management.

Scenario 1: Directive (or authoritative) management. Based on the usurpation of the right to make decisions and on a clear description of where and what to do.

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The regulations are prohibitive and restrictive, and there are no powers.

Scenario 2: Manipulative management. Based on deception (employees always remain "cheated").

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The regulations are "blurred" and written in such a way that they can be understood in any way. Of course, only the manager has the right to interpret - "do not look at the regulations - this is business, you have to think".

Scenario 3: Creative management. Also known as improvisational or intuitive management - "I manage as I can".

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Regulations either do not exist or no one looks at them.

Scenario 4: Regular management. It is based on a systematic and instrumental approach and assumes the correct distribution of powers to trained people (reasonable decentralised structure).

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Regulations are of a regulatory nature and contain, as a rule, rights, duties and powers.

And what is the “operating system” of management and the format of regulations used in your company?


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