16th January 2025: Morning Page.
Regrets: Are something which affect us all. I’m not exempt from these phenomena. But at least I am now more aware of the situation and the reality of the here and now and allowing myself to reflect upon the more positive aspects of my life has been a welcome insight.
I am trying to resist quoting from good old Mr. Sinatra. And apparently succeeding. I could have made more of my short Military career. But equally, I could have been just another name on a war memorial, my grave, no longer visited by my family.
I could have suffered some life changing injuries. As it is, my two marriages and other relationship failures have been a high enough price to pay. I would have been possible for me to have taken many different paths in my life, but then I might not have met some of the very interesting people that have come into my life, even for a short time.
The truth is, the path has been trodden and Ihave met some sad people, some bad people and some in between. My most memorable meeting was with a man called ‘Chaz’, A man who helped and looked after me during low point in my life.
I no longer judge as I used to. And I now look through a very different set of eyes, the images having been enhanced by compassion and experience. I have seen things which still mystify me and sometimes, I find it? hard to believe that my life has lasted to this point.
On so many occasions, I have felt desperately alone, hope being something which seemed so far away. And now, I feel so glad that I did not give up on being me.
Don’t despair, keep going and things will change for you.