Ok, let’s be honest. ?How many of us have regrets in our lives? If you can say that you have lived your life without regrets, I will say that you have not lived very long or that you are not very self-aware. We all have done or said things that we later regret. This is a part of life. The goal is to learn how to navigate our mistakes in a healthy way that will enhance our relationships.
?One of my pet peeves is when someone refuses to own their mistakes. The simple phrase “I’m sorry“ or “That one is on me” is powerful when backed up with a sincere choice to change or correct our behavior. Regrets add up when we choose to keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
I want to learn from my mistakes. I want to change and grow in my thoughts and, more importantly, my actions. I want to live life to its’ fullest and that includes regrets. Regrets that are used as opportunities to grow and change are treasures that allow us to experience deep meaningful relationships. Failing is never fatal unless we do not learn from the experience.
Let’s stop trying to be perfect (or always right) in our relationships and realize the power of admitting our mistakes and then growing and changing our actions in order to strengthen our relationships.
When we choose to own and learn from our regrets, we will make a difference.