I would like to start this new article with a quote by Richard Branson:
This quote has motivated me because when you are in front of a big decision, several doubts and fears come out of your mind. You feel as if you are on the edge of a bridge before you jump into the empty space.
It is impossible to know how events could go or how they can change your life. The big problem is your comfort zone because you are inside it and what is outside is unpredictable.
We are afraid to fail but failure is part of our growth, it is part of our change. I’m enthusiastic about how many great personalities failed and after failing over and over again, finally, they believed in what they were doing so they won, I would like to name some of them: Philip Knight (Nike), Ray Kroc (Mac Donald’s), Rudolf Dassler (Puma), Steve Jobs (Apple) and so on.
History teaches us that failure is part of our life, and we need to accept it in a positive way. It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up. When I chose to go to Africa, I had never been abroad, and I didn’t know English very well but my motivation my beliefs were bigger than any fear. I was only 28 years old, but Africa has taught me a lot of things and it has changed me forever. I can’t imagine how my life could be without the African experience.?
Every experience, every Job, and every person that you meet teaches you something and leaves within yourself a heritage. Probably you won’t feel immediately the legacy that you have earned, but I can guarantee you it exists. Positive or negative the experience has been, now you are another person. In life every action or not action determines something in our path, it is impossible to be firm at the same moment in your life, good or bad it is. Life is a flow, and we have to decide how we want to navigate the flow. Sometimes our decision could throw us into a storm, but this storm helps us be a better person and pulls out the best version of ourselves.?
When I decided to go to China with my wife and change my life again, I had never been to China, and we didn’t know anything about Chinese people. At that time, I was in a storm, and my life was in a bad comfort zone, I had studied a lot and gained MBA master, but my Job was very satisfactory. I had searched with all my will for an opportunity to change and grow. The opportunity arrived and despite I was scared about this other big change I launched myself out of my comfort zone.?
China has been another great experience for my wife and I, it has changed us forever just like Africa. We had our daughter in China and there is nothing more than that to be considered as a change.
I know a lot of people that have stopped their dreams and desires because they are afraid of the darkness that exists outside their comfort zone. Probably we could make some mistakes after some choices, but we wouldn’t ever know what could happen if we hadn’t tried.
When everyone all around you say that you are crazy, you are wrong, you can’t reach it, all these signs mean that you are on the good path to reaching your dream. Follow your dreams and go outside your comfort zone because the darkness could be bright.