Regression Security QA Challenge
cyberSecurist Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Product Security Specialists - you build, we secure
For complex web applications, keeping track of APIs and maintaining a regression test plan is a nightmare. Identifying the changes in existing APIs, newly added APIs, and their corresponding parameters takes a lot of effort and time.
Result? The regression suite is incomplete, has unexplained and ignored test case failures, and eventually not very effective.
What can be done?
- Get started by making a list of all "workflows" or "use cases" of the application.
- Make a list of "working" of each use case, in terms of collection of API/URL endpoint, cookies, parameters, variations
- Write up automation scripts to run each use case "API collection."
You can do this manually, or use our product - APIMap - to make the "API collection" for use cases and directly feed them to Postman.
Intrigued? Watch a short demo of our product in the link given below:
Send us your feedback, and let us know if you would like a free trial version of the product.
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Anand Hariharan Suraj Warade Juhi Tahiliani Sachin Wankhade This mst be of high interest to your teams.