Regression: Evaluation Metrics/Loss Functions

Regression: Evaluation Metrics/Loss Functions

A beginner-friendly introduction to the Evaluation Metrics of Regression.

Whenever we create a model, we need to check if our model is working correctly.

Since we created a model to predict the price of a house in our last article, we want to ensure that the model predicts correctly.

What does it mean to predict correctly?

  • Predicting correctly means ensuring the predicted value is the same as the actual value. For example, if the price of the house is 400,000 and our model predicted 400,000, then our model is correct. This would be our the perfect world.

However, the world is sometimes flawed, and the model we create often predicts incorrectly.

For example, it might predict the price is 399,000 instead of 400,000, which is pretty close to 400,000, so we can say that the model is good. But when it predicts 300,000, which is not even close to 400,000, we say our model is not doing well.

So, the goodness of our model depends on how close the predictions are to the original price.

Closer to the original price means the differences between the actual and predicted price are close to 0.

For example:

400,000 - 399,000 = 1000 (better prediction)

400,000 - 300,000 = 100,000 (not a good prediction)

i.e., 1000 is closer to 0 than 100,000

However, in Machine Learning, our model needs a lot of data to understand the relationship between the features and the output class.

This means our actual and predicted values table looks like this:

How can we evaluate our model in this case?

Well, it turns out we can do it by finding the sum of the differences between actual and predicted values.

Let's understand what I am talking about here.

Let's say we have two machine learning model--Model 1 and Model 2.

Prediction of Model 1

Predictions of Model 2

In Model 2, I increased the predicted price to be closer to the actual value,

This resulted in a smaller sum of differences in Model 2 compared to Model 1 (71,000 is less than 102,000), indicating that the improved model (Model 2) has smaller differences.

Two things we learned till now.

  1. The predicted value should be close to the actual value.
  2. The sum of differences between the predicted values is less in a better model.

Note: This difference is called an error (for obvious reasons). It is also called a?Loss,?and the function that calculates it is called the Loss Function. And when we use it to evaluate our model, we call it Evaluation Metrics.

While creating a Machine Learning model, we aim to decrease this error as much as possible.

When our model predicts the exact prices, the sum of errors becomes 0.

So, The sum of errors can be as low as 0.

But we have one problem now,

what if we increase the size of our dataset

Let's say we increased the dataset, and our Model 2 predicted this.

Suddenly, our sum of errors is 121,000, far more than Model 1(102,000). Does this mean our model 1 is better now?

No, Model 2 is still superior, but we need to adjust our method of calculating the error. To address this issue, instead of comparing the sum of errors, we need to compare the average of the sum of errors.

The method is to compare the mean of the sum of errors/losses/differences

For Model 1, with 3 observations, the total error is 102,000, making the average (102,000/3) = 34000.

As for Model 2, with 4 observations, the total error is 121,000, resulting in an average of (121,000/4) = 30,250.

Interpreting this, we can say that Model 2 predicts the house price with a mean error of 30,250, while Model 1's mean error is 34000. Since we want a lower average error, Model 2 is the better choice.

What we understood till now:

Two things we learned till now.

  1. The predicted value should be close to the actual value.
  2. The sum of differences between the predicted values is less in a better model.
  3. We compare the mean of the sum of losses to compare the models. The lower the mean, the better the model

Before we move on to the actual functions, let's consider one more example.

These are the predictions of Model 1. Let's increase the prediction of the 1st observation to be higher than the actual value.

Our difference will be negative when the predicted price increases, resulting in a lower sum. (see first observation)

Now, when we calculate the mean, 50,000/3 equals 16,666.66.

This value is lower than that of Model 2. However, it's apparent that Model 1's predictions are not superior to those of Model 2.

The issue arises from the difference in the first observation. When calculating the differences, we have to take into account that some differences can be negative. These negatives should be converted to positives before finding the sum and mean.

So, (actual-predicted) should be positive. We can make the value positive by taking the absolute value of the differences or squaring them.

But let me tell you, it is worth it to understand the loss functions.

Let's look at different loss functions now.

Mean Absolute Error (MAE)

I am sure you guessed what would happen in this loss function.

We find a?mean?of the sum of the?absolute .

Python Implementation:

from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error

mean_absolute_error(y_actual, y_pred)        

Mean Squared Error(MSE)

You guessed it right: We find a?mean?of the sum of the?squares of errors.

Python Implementation:

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

mean_squared_error(y_actual, y_pred)        

Root Mean Square Error(RMSE)

We first find the mean of the sum of the squares of the errors, and then we calculate the square root of the mean.

Python Implementation:

Note: root_mean_squared_error, is added in sklearn 1.4 version.

from sklearn.metrics import root_mean_squared_error

root_mean_squared_error(y_actual, y_pred)        

These three metrics/loss functions are enough for now to start learning and have a strong base for regression problems.

I have added these Python codes to the Kaggle notebook.

There are more functions like this, and they try to fix different problems. I will be writing about them individually in later articles.

And yes, there are other evaluation metrics for classification models: accuracy, precision, and recall are some examples.

Thank you so much for reading this article. I would really appreciate your feedback, which will help me improve future articles.

Next, we will talk about another algorithm: Decision Tree.

Stay tuned.

Also, here are the links for the previous two articles:

  1. Why should I learn from the Beginning?
  2. Linear Regression: Introduction

References and Further Materials

  1. Penmetsa, C. (2024, January 2). Machine learning using Scikit-Learn (sklearn) — Evaluating Regression model using metrics | CodeNx. Medium.
  2. Grover, P. (2021, October 5). 5 Regression loss functions all machine learners should know. Medium.
  3. Ciampiconi, L., Elwood, A., Leonardi, M., Mohamed, A., & Rozza, A. (2023). A survey and taxonomy of loss functions in machine learning. arXiv (Cornell University).

Mishahal Palakuniyil

Data Leader | Data Analytics and Engineering Specialist | Driving Operational Excellence through Analytics

7 个月

This was a great read with a clear explanation of mean squared error and mean absolute error's origin story ??



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